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Her hand slides up and down my length in time with my thrusting fingers. She squeezes harder with each pass until I’m aching and desperate to be buried inside her.

Instead, I keep working my fingers faster in her tight core. When I press against the spot that drives her wild, her hips buck, her arousal coating my fingers.

The library is empty except for us, though anyone could walk in and see the way she’s flushed and needy, one hand clawing at my shoulders while the other pumps my cock.

I move my fingers faster, plunging them deeper until she starts to shake.

Just before she comes, I pull out and collect my books, tucking them beneath one arm and leaving her panting on the table. “We’re done.”

Jade is nothing but a parasite who will do whatever it takes to be at the top.

I don’t have time for that in my life. Not when I work hard to get everything I have.

The next morning, I can barely see straight when I walk into class. My head is pounding with the all-nighter I pulled to submit my final assignment before six this morning.

It was a rush to hunt down a new story — and steroid use on the lacrosse team isn’t as good as teachers selling to students — but it might just be good enough to secure my spot in the internship.

Just as I slide into my seat in the lecture hall, Jade enters, heading straight for Professor Mackintosh.

She’s probably promising him a blow job for the internship.

The thought is cruel, and I know it’s something Jade would never do, but I spent most of last night stewing over what she did to me while I worked on a new project.

I might have been the one who started the little war between us, but I didn’t think she would ever take it to that level.

And now that she has, I’m left hoping I get the internship.

It’s the first step to showing my dad I deserve to take over the company.

Jade Harper isn’t going to ruin that for me.

“All right.” Professor Mackintosh claps his hands together. “I’ve spent most of the morning looking at your projects one final time. And after a review, I’ve decided that the internship will be awarded to Jade Harper.”

The class claps and congratulates her as she takes a seat at the front of the class, a pretty pink blush staining her cheeks.

I stare at the back of her head, wishing that I could travel back to a time before she transferred.

The internship would’ve been mine if she had never shown up.

She’s going to rue the day she ever walked into this class.




LRH Global is going to crash and burn by the end of the year.

It has been at the front of everyone’s minds for the last six months, but this morning’s quarterly budget meeting confirmed it.

Someone has to find a way to turn the company around within the next quarter, or we’re all going to be out of jobs by this time next year.

Maybe I should be glad I never became CEO.

Although, if I had become CEO, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Dad could’ve loosened the reins a few years ago, and I would have been able to bring the family business into the twenty-first century instead of dying on a hill made of newspapers.

Dad struts into my office, the Manhattan skyline gleaming behind him. He glances down at the budget on my desk. “An emergency board meeting has been called for this afternoon.I guess someone called and told them what happened at the budget meeting before I had a chance to do it myself.”

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