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It’s making me want to travel to other countries with her.

Thinking like that is dangerous territory, especially as I pull her into a restaurant and the waiter leads us up the stairs.

Her eyes well with tears as she takes in the rooftop garden. “Grayson, you can see the tower from here.”

I chuckle, giving her hand a light squeeze as we’re led to a table that faces the tower. “I know. I picked this place for the rooftop.”

She sits down across from me, picking up the menu and looking through the options. “What’s good here?”

“Anything. You can’t go wrong with the seafood, though.”

She nods, humming and drumming her fingers on the menu. “I didn’t think that you were going to want to do the tourist thing with me when we landed this morning.”

“Well, you’ve been wrong about me before.”

The corner of her mouth twitches, her eyes shining with amusement. “I’m sure that I’m going to be wrong about you again. You seem to have a way of surprising me these days.”

I search through the menu, looking for anything I’m in the mood to eat tonight as the waiter brings bottles of wine to the table and cracks them both open. He pours our glasses before taking our food order.

Jade leans forward, looking out over the vines growing along the wall to watch the tower as it lights up. “I didn’t think that I was going to get a chance to come here in the next few years.”

“You have enough money to sustain a lifetime of travel.”

She shrugs one shoulder, gaze lingering on me as if she’s wondering how much she should open up to me right now.

For some reason, I want her to tell me whatever is going through her head. I want to get in there and know all her thoughts about me, hoping most of them are good.

Although, I doubt they are.

Our relationship has been improving in the last few weeks, but it’s still not as good as it could be. I still don’t fully trust her, and when she looks at me, I can see the caution in her eyes.

“Tell me what’s on your mind,” I say, since it worked before.

Jade smiles. “My mom is getting older, and I want her to be able to travel while she’s able to enjoy it, but my schedule has been so busy these past few years that planning a trip has been impossible.”

“Tell me about her.”

As much as I know we should be talking about the meeting tomorrow, I just want to hear her talk about anything other than work.

Jade lights up like she’s just won the lottery. The more she talks through our dinner, the more I think I could spend the rest of my nights like this.

When we finally get into bed later that night, curling up beside Jade feels different. She nestles into my arms, the ends of her hair tickling my chest.

Her soft sigh, followed by deep breathing, soothes me in a way that nothing else ever has.

I try to shake off the feeling, but as I shift closer to her, one arm wrapping around her waist, I’m pretty sure I’m in trouble.

Just like all those years ago, I’m going to have to mark my life in what happened before Jade and just try to survive the mess that comes after.



As we walk into Pelletier Design’s office the next morning, I feel like I’m going to throw up.

My stomach tosses and turns. Even though they agreed to meet with us and discuss the app design, they could still turn us down.

Grayson presses his hand against the small of my back as we head into the conference room. “Stop worrying. We’ve got this. We’re going to nail it.”

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