Page 7 of Taken By the DON

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“Mornin’, Blondie,” Kellan greets from the kitchen, his gaze landing on me like a physical touch. I step towards him, grateful when he slides me a warm mug of tea and gestures to the plate of toast and fruit waiting for me.

“Morning,” I say back, my blood heating just being close to him. There’s no denying it even if I want to. Whatever’s between us … it’s special. It’s more than just physical attraction, though God knows there’s tons of that too.

“Sleep well?” he asks, eyes roving over my body as I nod. He must see something written on my face because he adds, “What’s going on in that pretty head, Doc?”

I huff a laugh and shrug, popping a strawberry in my mouth to avoid answering while I consider my words. He watches my lips as I chew, looking like he’s starving for more than fruit.

I swallow and say, “I just … I’m not used to doing nothing, I guess. I miss my work, you know? I’ve been working towards being a doctor and surgeon my whole life and now…”

Kellan nods, not looking apologetic at all, but there’s a flash of understanding in his eyes. “You don’t have to give that up.”

I frown. “I heard you say you weren’t gonna let me go,” I point out, weirdly not scared by that fact. Out of all the people who could have kidnapped me, a Mafia man who feeds me delicious food and makes me tea and fucks me so good I can’t stop thinking about it for days is hardly something I can be mad about—all things considered. Shit, now I’m thinking about fucking him.

Get control of yourself!I try to tell my body, but my pussy is not listening. My body wants him and bad.

“True,” Kellan admits with a one-shoulder shrug. “But this is the Mafia, gorgeous. We need a talented doc, and a surgeon’s even better.”

I consider that, nodding. I hate the idea of anyone getting hurt like Kellan had been, but if I’m not around to stitch them up and treat them … the thought makes me shudder. “I’ll need more than that tiny first aid box.”

Kellan smirks, and it damn near takes my breath away. If he keeps this up, I’m going to need to treat myself for an oxygen deficiency.

“Make a list,” he tells me, sipping his coffee. “Whatever you need.”

I raise a brow at him, sliding a blueberry between my lips purposefully slowly. His eyes track the movement, his Adam’sapple bobbing as he swallows hard. Knowing he’s as affected by my presence as I am by his makes sparks skitter along my skin.

“Whatever I need?” I repeat back to him.

“You’ll need clothes, too. When it’s safe enough to leave here and go back to my place, I’ll send a team to get all your stuff from your apartment,” he says casually, as if it’s no big deal.

I blink at him as he pulls a silver card out of his wallet and slides it across the countertop to me. He slips out of the kitchen, returning seconds later with a laptop.

“It’s locked up tighter than a maximum security prison,” he says with a laugh, gesturing to the device. “Order whatever you need with that and use the name on that card for delivery.”

I can’t help but challenge him. I look him in the eyes, listing off a huge list of supplies I need, expecting him to balk and give me a budget or tell me to calm down. Instead, he just raises a brow and looks entirely unfazed.

He taps the card on the counter with a tattooed finger before leaning across so my next breath is filled with the delicious scent of his cologne.

“Go wild, Blondie,” he murmurs darkly.

Game on, I think as he stands, telling me he needs to go make a “work” call and winking before he leaves.

I bring up multiple websites, grinning as the carts fill up.

An hour or so later, Kellan appears behind me, his breath warm on my neck as he leans down to look at the screen over my shoulder. I glance back at him, making sure he sees the five-figure price tag on my basket as I hit the check-out button. Thepayment processes for no more than a few seconds before a message pops up promising to have the delivery here within two days since I paid for expedited shipping.

Kellan groans, leaning closer so his lips brush my neck. I shudder, unable to stop the goosebumps that prickle over my skin, my whole body hyper-aware of his closeness.

“Fuck, Blondie, it turns me on seeing you spend my money,” he says, his voice low and gravelly.

My breath hitches. Is he serious? He can’t be serious, right? Except when I risk flicking my gaze to him, there’s a dark desire in his eyes that I can’t explain away.

When was the last time someone looked at me like this? When was the last time someone took care of me like this? There’s a warm, fluttery feeling in my belly as Kellan stares me down, making me forget how to breathe.

The fiercely independent, driven part of me balks slightly at the bigger, louder part of me that’s screaming about how good it feels to be taken care of for once. I reason with myself that I can absolutely be spoiled rotten and independent as hell at the same time.

Kellan makes me feel like I deserve to be taken care of, and I want more of that. I want more of him.

“What’s that look on your face for?” Kellan asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

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