Page 34 of The Wrong Bride

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He put his other hand over my mound, brushing against my clit.

"You want to come on my mouth, don't you?"

"Oui." I could barely form the word.

He moved and hauled me up so my legs were wrapped around his shoulder; I couldn't help it as I rubbed my pussy against his face. He laughed, enjoying his power over me as I'd just celebrated mine over him.

He pushed two fingers into me, pumping in and out as his tongue stroked my clit. "Look at me,ma douce."

I did, but my eyelids felt heavy.

"You want to come, baby."


"Then fucking come." He pushed a third finger inside me, and it was a dual assault. His fingers rubbed against what I'd discovered was my G-spot as his mouth suckled my clitoris.

My eyes closed as one of the strongest orgasms I ever had took me over. I couldn't think, I could only feel. Nothing was real except Duncan, my husband, my man, the father of my child.

Chapter 14


The waiting room of the Hôpital Saint-Louis buzzed with activity—expectant mothers, anxious fathers, and efficient nurses moving in and out of doors.

Elsa sat next to me, her hand resting lightly on her slightly rounded belly, a serene expression on her face. She seemed so calm, so ready for this, while I was a bundle of nerves, my leg bouncing with restless energy.

I had told her we should see a private doctor, but she'd given me such a scathing look that I didn't bring it up again. She saw me as a spoiled rich man—and that was true, but she wasmywife, and I wanted the best for her and our baby.

"Relax, Duncan." She placed her hand on my knee to still it. "What are you worried about?"

"Hospitals make me jumpy, and I prefer to see a doctor at a private clinic. This place has too many people."

She grinned. "This is a great hospital. I know my doctor here, and I want to continue seeing her. Please, be okay with that."

Damn it! I'd do anything for her. Didn't she already know that?

I kissed her mouth then because I couldn't resist it. She was so beautiful, so perfect. I put my hand over hers, covering her belly. "I don't know how it's possible to be so happy and scared at the same time."

Before she could respond, a nurse called her name."Mademoiselle Elsa, le docteur est prêt à vous voir."Miss Elsa, the doctor will see you.

"MadameElsa Archer," I grunted. Fuck that. She wasn't amademoiselle. She was my fucking wife.

We followed the nurse down a sterile corridor to the examination room. The doctor, a sharp-eyed woman with a professional demeanor, greeted us.


"Monsieur et Madame Archer," the nurse said quickly and gave me a small smile.

The doctor raised both eyebrows.

I placed one hand on the small of Elsa’s back, and I extended the other to the doctor. "I'm Duncan Archer, Elsa's husband."

"Je suis le docteur Lévy." The doctor had a firm hand.

"Could we do this in English?" Elsa requested.

I'd told her that I worried about losing something in translation, especially in a clinical setting, which was why I wanted her to see the Archer private doctor in his private hospital in the first place. He spoke English. His OBGYN spoke English. All the nurses there spoke English.

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