Page 98 of Scarred King

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Somehow, the control ofthatparticular engine is firmly in the hands of the one man I can never have.

“The pictures I’ve seen beg to differ.”

“What pictures?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I know exactly which pictures he’s talking about. During my last session, Dominik was skulking around the edge of the room, snickering about something he refused to divulge.

My lips purse. “I’m gonna kill those two. Dominik and Gedeon shouldn’t be sending pictures of me during an appointment. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at your men.”

“This is not about?—”

“No, it’s not,” I agree. I stomp over to him and jab a finger into the impossibly hard muscle beneath his white t-shirt. I don’t want to get distracted by his body, so I keep my eyes trained on his face. His arrogant, sexy, annoying-as-hell face. “This is aboutyou! You’re acting like a?—”

“A concerned husband?” he interjects.

“I would’ve gone with ‘a jealous asshole.’”

A ripple of anger tears across his face. “I’m not jealous of anyone. I’m simply possessive when it comes to my things.”

“I am not one of your ‘things,’ Arsen! And even if I was, it’s not like you’ve shown much interest in me recently. Where have you been the last couple nights?” I don’t wait for an answer. Part of me doesn’t really want to know. “Or do you only care about me if someone else is taking notice? You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to want me, either. Is that it?”

“You’re mine to touch. And mine to want.” He looms over me, eyes shrouded in darkness. “You’remywife.”

My hand twitches, dying to slap him across that smug face. “That doesn’t mean you get to control every aspect of my life.”

“I have a contract that says otherwise.”

“Ugh!” I spit, because real words sometimes just don’t do this man justice. “You can’t possibly think that?—”

The words die on my tongue as he grabs me by the waist and yanks me into his arms.

I shove against his chest, I kick, I flail. None of it does me any good. He just holds me tighter.

“I like you like this—all wriggly and feisty. You seem fine to me.” He drops his mouth to my ear. “Should we test out that hip of yours, see how your therapy is coming along?”

My body quivers, and I tell myself it’s anger. Rage.

But there’s a distracting warmth blossoming between us that goes by another name altogether.

“Is this why you’re here?” I demand. “You just want an easy lay?”

“No part of this has been easy,” he laughs viciously. “You make sure of that. But to answer your question, I’m here to make sure I’m taking care of every single need my wife might have.” His knee slips between my thighs, and I can’t stop myself from grinding into the toe-curling friction. “What is it you need?”

“For you to go to hell.”

“Careful what you wish for, Laila.I might just take you with me.”

Then his lips crash down against mine.

Just like that, I can’t fight, can’t think. I can barely breathe. I shove against his chest, but my fingers get distracted by the firm warmth of his body under my palms. The slow grind of his leg between mine scrambles my thoughts until, God save me, I’mhelpinghim tease my pants down over my hips.

“We can’t do this here,” I whimper.

“We can do whatever we want.”

His hand is down my tights now, forcing my legs apart.Is this whatIwant?For Arsen to storm in and out of my life on a whim, demanding things from me I’m not sure he’ll ever give in return?

“You don’t know what I want.”

Also,Idon’t know what I want, but it’s not as if I can say that out loud. Besides, I’m a little preoccupied trying to stand upright. My knees buckle as he drags a finger over me.

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