Page 59 of Scarred King

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Now, my hands are balled into fists, too. “What are you trying to say?”

“That I know Laila a little better than you do, and you didn’t need to do this.” He leans in, hissing between his teeth. “She would have agreed to marry you if you’d given her some time.”

“You know we don’t have that luxury.”

He snorts. “What I know is that you did it like this so you can pretend this was all part of the plan and she means nothing to you. But good fucking luck with that now. That woman is your wife, and you’re going to have to face your feelings sooner or later.”


I choose later.

“Leave,” I snarl. “Your job is done for tonight. Go home and get some sleep. For your sake, I’ll forget this conversation happened.”

Dominik scowls, ready to keep arguing. But Gedeon gets between us again. “I’m sure Kira’s wondering where you are, Dom.”

“Yeah… Yeah, I’m going.” He turns to leave and is almost to the door before he twists around. “Laila is not Natascha, Arsen. She won’t be distracted by money and pretty things. She doesn’t care about that shit. She cares about people. If you let her, she’ll care about you, too.”

I hear what Domisn’tsaying.

Caring about me is a dangerous game. Most people who play end up losing.

I wait for the door to slam in the distance before I turn to Gedeon. “How much did you all drink while Laila and I were outside?”

Gedeon chuckles. “Not enough to justify that parting speech, if that’s what you’re wondering. I think it was heartfelt.”

Yeah. That’s what I was afraid of.

“They’re friends,” Ged sighs. “You’re used to doing things a certain way, and we know that. The trouble is, we’ve been watching Laila for eight months. She’s…nice.”

“I didn’t hogtie her on the altar. There wasn’t a gun to her head. She was here because she wanted to be.”

Because she wants to be in our daughter’s life.

Which means she’ll be inmylife.

“Oh, fuck me.” I drag a hand down my face. “Maybe I could’ve handled things differently, but Laila knows who I am.”

“But doyouknow whosheis?” He lays a heavy palm on my shoulder. “I think it’s time you stopped using Dom and me as your go-betweens and got to know your wife.”

“I don’t usually want to punch you and Dom on the same night.”

He tosses his hands up like he doesn’t mind either way. “It’s your wedding night, brother. You should be upstairs with your new wife. Not down here arguing with me.”

“This marriage isn’t for the long haul, Gedeon. It’s just a temporary measure to ensure her safety. It’s not for real.”

Gedeon shrugs. “That doesn’t mean you can spend the whole marriage avoiding her. In fact, this thing might work a lot better if you don’t.”

I glance towards the staircase that leads to Laila’s room.

I hate it when they’re right.



The door is closed, but a steady stream of insults pours out from the gap underneath. I’m half-concerned that she’s too busy calling me a “pompous, disagreeable motherfucker” to remember to breathe.

Knocking seems pointless—no way in hell she’d hear me—so I push the door open instead.

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