Page 4 of Scarred King

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I reach for it, but it’s too late. As Seth settles against Mr. Adamov’s wingtips, the man himself bends down and picks my vibrator up off the floor.

His sleek gold wedding band flashes at me as he switches the vibrator off, plunging the room into a painful silence. His green-eyed gaze shifts slowly to me.

“Well… that is certainly one way to make an impression.”



I place the toy in the center of my desk and point to the leather chair opposite mine. “Sit.”

Her eyes shift from the toy to the door and back again like she’s running calculations, trying to figure out how quickly she could snag her belongings and make a daring escape.

“Security would catch you on the way out. I don’t think you want to be frisked with that in your pocket.”

“I’m mortified.” She drops into the chair, her hands fluttering to her knees and then folding in her lap, only to end up on her knees again. “That was never, ever meant to happen.”

She has no idea. I’d beenthisclose to ordering Malcolm to cancel her interview altogether. I don’t know how she made it here in the first place; her resume leaves a lot to be desired. The woman has an outdated undergrad degree in marketing and virtually no relevant work experience

What she does have are sultry eyes, legs for days, and a sex toy in her bag. That earns her five minutes of my time.

She’s also a dead ringer for my wife. That earns her five more.

“So, Ms. Barnes… tell me why you’re here.”

She attempts to pull her focus from the vibrator to my face, but can’t quite manage to make the leap. “Are you just going to leave it sitting there?”

“Yes. Answer the question.”

She pushes back a lock of feathery blonde hair. If leaving her hair loose was an attempt to hide those shoulder pads in her jacket, it failed. But if wearing the shoulder pads was an attempt to hide her body from my gaze…

Well, that failed, too.

“Mr. Adamov—” She takes a deep breath and launches into what’s obviously a rehearsed speech. “—I know my resume must seem pretty weak compared to all the other applicants that has walked in your door, but I am a hard worker and a fast learner.”

“You and every other person I’ve met with today.”

She edges to the corner of her seat. A little farther and she could drop to her knees. Truth be told, I wouldn’t mind seeing her beg. “Well, unlike all of them, I don’t have a life. That means I can devote every last second of my time to this job.”

“I could’ve guessed that.” Despite myself, the corners of my mouth turn up. “Your purple friend here doesn’t exactly scream ‘thriving social butterfly.’”

Her blush goes radioactively red. It’s cute. Endearing, even, if I were the sort of man who fell for the blushing innocence act. “I would really, really appreciate it if you didn’t hold that against me.”

Now, I’m the one distracted.Hold it against which part of her?

I watch her for a moment. Her lips slightly parted, nervous breath trickling in and out. She smells faintly sweet. Vanilla, I think. It suits her.

With a sigh, I open her paltry resume. “You haven’t worked at all in the last year.”

“I’ve been working at a temp agency called ‘Fresh Start.’ I needed a flexible schedule.”

“And you’re no longer in need of a flexible schedule?”

She hesitates, her fingers digging into her knees as she leans forward. “Well, not exactly. It’s just?—”

“You say you have no life and yet you require a flexible schedule. You say you have time to devote to this job and yet you seem reluctant to commit to it. Which is it?”

“It comes down to what I need more. Right now, I need money more than I need flexibility.” She cringes. “God, this is coming out all wrong. I had this all planned out, but I dropped Seth and it got me all turned arou?—”

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