Page 32 of Scarred King

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Dominik’s jaw tightens. “Would it have killed you to come today?”

My second has made his feelings on my arrangement with Laila more than clear, but that doesn’t stop him from refreshing my memory.

“You know the terms of our arrangement.”

“She’s been to every single doctor’s appointment alone.”

“You’ve been with her.” He’s one of the only people I’d trust with the responsibility.

“But I’m not the one she wants there.”

Has she said that?I wonder.

“Which is precisely why I’m keeping my distance. Going would send the wrong message.”

“That you care about your daughter? Gee, how horrible.”

“That I—” I break off mid-sentence, eyes fixed on him. “Daughter?”

Dominik nods. “You’re having a girl. Congratulations.”

Well, I’ll be damned.For some reason, the possibility of having a girl has never even crossed my mind. I could imagine a little boy who looked like me. But a little girl with Laila’s blonde hair and blue eyes?

I’m fucked.

“The scan went perfectly,” he adds. “She’s a healthy baby.”

I watch Dominik, waiting for him to offer up some information about Laila. What was her reaction to the news? Was she emotional? Did she ask about me?

It’s clear Dom isn’t going to breathe a word, though, so I nod. “Good. That’s all I need to know.”

Dominik sighs. “Arsen?—”

“Excuse me, Dom,” I cut him off as Lucio Galotti makes a beeline towards Natascha. “I better go rein in the hellion before she shoots her mouth off to the wrong person.”

I dodge Dominik and snake my way through the crowd towards Natascha and Lucio.

The last time I saw the man, he jeered at me as I walked past the metal bars of his cell.Send your grandfather my regards,molodoy volk.

What a difference a fresh shave and a well-made suit can make.

“Lucio,” I greet.

If he’s surprised to see me, he doesn’t show it. “Arsen Adamov, as I live and breathe. How long has it been?”

“Five years and four days.”

“Have you really been out for five years already?” He smiles like he doesn’t wish I was still trapped in a cage. “Amazing.”

“I was under the impression you wouldn’t be out for another four, at least.”

He runs a hand over his bald, tattooed head. “I was released early. Good behavior.”

“I doubt that.”

Lucio laughs. “Now, now, Arsen. You can’t still be holding a grudge. That was a lifetime ago. I was simply following orders.”

Natacha clears her throat and peers between the two of us. “I take it the two of you know each other?”

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