Page 27 of Scarred King

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Next time, the woman I choose is going to have buck teeth, a unibrow, and as much personality as a pencil sharpener.

With a plan in place, I call Laila back.

She answers on the first ring. “Arsen.” She’s breathless, and I flash back to being inside of her, to hearing her whimper my name while she clenched around me. It was a high I’ve never felt before. One I feel ghosting through my veins even now.

“Laila,” I respond coldly. “I’m guessing Dominik already informed you about tonight, but my plans changed last minute and?—”

“Dominik hasn’t told me anything.”

I pause. “He hasn’t called you?”

“No. What was he supposed to tell me?”

Running a hand through my hair, I turn to the city view. “Then why are you calling?” She stays silent so long that I assume the call has dropped. “Laila?”

“Sorry.” She takes a deep breath. “I should have planned this out. Maybe written it down or something. I’m not good at serious conversations like this. So I’ll just say it.”

She wants to end the contract. She’s backing out.

It was my plan, but now, I find myself oddly disappointed. My mind is already veering towards the fine print I can employ to keep her tethered to our deal. I’m not accustomed to rejection, and I won’t take it lying down.

“I’ll just say it. Spit it out, y’know?” she stammers. “Arsen, I’m… I’m pregnant.”

I close my eyes.

Pregnant.After two fucking tries.

A new wave of disappointment washes over me. That one night was the first and last attempt. We won’t be seeing each other again.

“Arsen? Are you still there?”

I clutch the phone tightly to keep from hurling it through a window or jackhammering it straight into my skull. “I’m here.”

“Congratulations,” she squeaks. “You’re going to be a dad.”




“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I glare at Dominik in the rearview mirror as he turns the corner, though I don’t know why. It’s not his fault he isn’t someone else.

“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You cried in the doctor’s office.”

If a few tears have Dom this worried, he’d be horrified if he could see what I’ve been doing in my bedroom every night for the last four months. It’s a miracle the floors aren’t warped from all the salt water spilled in there.

“We’ve already established I’m a big ol’ crybaby.” I try my best to laugh, but the most I can manage right now is a strained smile. “It’s just the hormones.”

And the fact that my baby daddy-slash-employer wants absolutely nothing to do with me. That might have a teensy bit to do with it.

“It was a big appointment.” Dominik wags his brows. “That’s exciting.”

My heart clenches. “Is it? You’d have to ask Arsen. It’s his baby, not mine. Not that he seems to care one way or the other.”

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