Page 166 of Scarred King

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“On me?” It’s the first I’m hearing of it, though it wouldn’t be the first time there’s been a price on my head.

He shakes his head, coughing up more blood. “N… no. Not you. The… the… the girl. The wife. Laila Adamov.”

Everything in my body tenses at my wife’s name on this man’s lips. I tighten my hold on his throat until he’s red and then purple.

He can’t speak, but I can see the accusation in his eyes.You said you wouldn’t kill me.

“Well,” I spit as the light fades from his eyes, “I lied.”



My hands are almost black in the dim light, like I dipped them in tar.

It’s been half an hour since the medical team wheeled Dominik away for emergency surgery, and I haven’t bothered walking the ten steps to the sink. I haven’t moved an inch, actually.

A shadow falls over me. I don’t bother looking up; I know it’s Gedeon. He keeps coming back to check on me, but I’m not the one with a hole in my chest.

That’s Dominik.

Because of me.

Gedeon stands there, waiting for me to acknowledge him, but there’s nothing to acknowledge. I said I wouldn’t leave until I heard news about Dominik. And I still haven’t heard anything.

He sighs and drops down next to me, his knees bent like mine. He clasps his clean hands together as if he’s praying.

It hasn’t even occurred to me to pray. I tried once when Mom was really sick, but it didn’t make a bit of difference. Even if there is such a thing as a higher power, He isn’t about to waste his miracles on the likes of me.

“He’s going to be okay, Arsen.” There’s a hard edge in Gedeon’s voice that I recognize as the same desperation I feel. He unclasps his hands long enough to squeeze my shoulder once. “We need to inform Kira, though.”

“We don’t know anything yet. There’s nothing to tell her.” I don’t even recognize my voice.

“She’s his wife. She deserves to know.”

I shake my head, too exhausted for more of an argument. Kira can’t hear this right now. I can’t tell her.

“This makes twice now.”

Gedeon turns to me. “What?”

“Dominik has landed in the hospital twice because of Jasper.” A bitter laugh sputters out of me. “No, that’s not the truth. I can’t even blame Jasper for this. Dominik has been in the hospital twice because ofme.”

“This isn’t your fault.”

“I keep giving Jasper second chances.”

Dominik knew from the start that Jasper was trouble, but I wouldn’t see it. I refused to see it. I stuck my head in the sand out of blind, dumb “loyalty” rather than listen to my best friend.

“Your mercy is something Dom and I would both appreciate if we were ever on the other side of it.”

“And you never have been, because the two of you are loyal, dependable.” I clench my teeth so hard it feels like they might shatter. “Dominik has always been loyal.”

And what did it get him?

I should have listened to him.

“Arsen, this wasn’t even about Jasper. This is about the bounty.” He runs a hand over his neck. “I looked into it, and it’s legit. There’s ten million dollars hanging over Laila’s head—dead or alive.”

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