Page 139 of Scarred King

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I turn to find Marie watching me carefully.

“I know it’s overwhelming,” she tells me gently. “But she’s going to be okay.”

“What do I do?”

Her eyes slide down to my hands. Only then do I notice how badly they’re shaking.

“Just be there for her. That’s all you can do. It’s all any of us can do.”

I take a step towards Laila, but she cries out again, and I freeze. Instead, I turn for the door. “Let me go find Dr. Levitan.”

I almost plow right into Dominik on my way into the hall. “Whoa. Your pregnant wife is the other direction, pal.”

“Where’s Levitan?” I snap.

“Just finished up another delivery. He’s on his way.”

“He better be. I’m paying enough for him.” The hallway is littered with doors. I wonder if it’s like a zoo. Can I peek inside and see how the other fathers are handling this?

“You okay?” Dominik’s gaze is trained on me, and I’m not sure what he’s going to see there.

I turn away from him. “I need a cup of coffee.”

“I’ll get you some. You should be in there with Laila.”

Doing what?I want to ask. Laila watched videos on how to breathe during delivery, how to push. There was nothing to tell me what the fuck I should do. I feel like I’m going to claw through the thin walls.

“Marie is with her. I can get it myself.”

I try to move around Dominik, but he blocks my path. “Brother, I’ll go. Your place is here with your wife and your child.”

My child.

In a few short hours—minutes, even—I’ll be a father. A fully formed little human is going to depend on me to take care of her.Am I ready?

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I rasp, taking even myself by surprise.

Dominik looks at me like I’m the dumbest man alive, which is oddly comforting. “Of course you can do this.”

“I kill and fight. I protect people with blood and power and… This is different, Dom.” My throat feels dry. “This baby needs someone else. Someone patient and sensitive. Someone?—”

“Someone like you,” he interrupts. “You are your father’s son, Arsen. He was a good man.”

Which is why my grandfather didn’t choose him to lead the Bratva. He choseme.

“I’m nothing like my father.” I grit my teeth to hide how much I wish I could be what Laila needs. “I’m Yeremy’s successor.”

Before Dominik can say anything, Dr. Levitan turns the corner. He’s walking fast, his white coat billowing behind him. “Let’s see how your wife is doing, shall we, Mr. Adamov?” He pats my shoulder as he breezes past me into Laila’s suite.

Dominik gives me an encouraging nod. I have no choice but to walk into the suite after Dr. Levitan.

Laila is on the bed now, lying back with Marie planted beside her, supporting one of her legs. I watch from afar as Dr. Levitan checks her cervix and announces that she’s ten centimeters dilated.

“It’s time.” He snaps his fingers at the nurses. They flutter around the bed, making adjustments and preparing.

Marie waves me over, but I don’t move—can’t—until Laila locks eyes with me. “Arsen?”

Doubts circle my head like rain clouds threatening to pour, but I force myself across the room and grip her hand.

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