Page 130 of Scarred King

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He rolls the sleeve of his shirt to reveal the tattooed symbol of the Adamov Bratva. “He does not have the mark yet, Arsen. He isn’t a brother until his skin looks likethis. And for that to happen, he has to prove himself. He’s already failed the test once. I was under the impression that once was all it takes.”

Usually, that’s true, but…

“This is different.”

Dominik rolls his eyes. “He saved your life multiple times, yes, but you saved his just as many. You’re even. You don’t need to stick your neck out for this fucking shmuck anymore.”

“That’s not how loyalty works.”

The conversation I just had with Laila is fresh in my mind. If I don’t have loyalty, what do I have?

“And treating someone you hope to call a brother like shit isn’t very ‘loyal,’ either.” Dom shakes his head. “He was pissed that I was the one who showed up today to check on him. He was expecting you. He may be loyal to you, but he doesn’t give a damn about the rest of us. He’s not ready for life in the Bratva.”

“Then we’ll have to teach him.”


“I will not turn my back on Jasper,” I bark, cutting Dominik off. “Just like I would never turn my back on you.”

Dom crosses his arms. “The difference is that I’d never give you a reason.”

I drag a hand over my neck. The calming effects of the bath with Laila are already a distant memory. I feel like one raw, exposed nerve ending. “I was the first family Jasper ever had. We have to give him a chance.”

“And this isn’t about you feeling guilty for not looking out for him when we heard he was in deep with the Italians?”

I swallow, feeling the weight of that old decision settle on my shoulders again. “I’ve made mistakes, too.”

“You gave him an opportunity, and he spit in your face. Casting him out and making him fend for himself was kind of you. He should be grateful. You could’ve?—”

“Could’ve what?” I snarl before he can finish that thought. “Put him in jail for making a mistake? Like Yeremy did to me?”

“That’s not what I?—”

“I’ve made the decision, Dominik. If you don’t like it, then I’ll put Gedeon on the job and you can go dig fucking ditches. But if youdecide to stay on Jasper, then you’re going to have to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

The silence stretches until it becomes uncomfortable. Finally, Dominik sighs. “Fine. I’ll do it. For you. But I’m watching him.”

“I’d expect nothing less.”



“You alright?” Gedeon asks.

We’re heading across town for my second physical therapy appointment with a new therapist—a woman, as Arsen requested—and Gedeon hasn’t said a word since he picked me up. Usually, Dominik drives me, chatting endlessly about Kira and hounding me for bringing tea into his car without a travel lid—like an animal, he says—but he’s busy on another assignment today.

I don’t mind so much. The quiet has been nice.

“Fine. Just tired.” I try to leave it at that, but the truth has been festering in my chest all morning, and it rushes out of me. “My mom wasn’t doing great when I left her today. More and more, she doesn’t seem all there. She says stuff that doesn’t make sense.”

“That must be tough.”

I sigh. “Every time I think she’s doing a little better, something happens to remind me that she’s still deteriorating fast.”

“Miracles can happen.” He shrugs, and I sense a question mark at the end of that statement. He must be able to see the confusion on my face, because he glances over at me and cringes. “Sorry. I’m not good at the whole comfort thing.”

I can’t help but smile. “It’s okay. I just needed to get that off my chest. Feel free to change the subject.”

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