Page 115 of Scarred King

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“I had no reason not to.”

Jasper takes a long, pointed look at the mansion behind me. “Looks like you had the resources to verify them if you wanted.”

“True. Maybe it was just easier to believe you were dead.”

He smiles sadly. “That’s what I always appreciated about you, Arsen. You never lied to me.”

“And you never listened,” I say. “So, what are you doing here, Jasper?”

He presses his shoulders back, and I catch another glimpse of the man I knew. “You helped me out a lot after we got out. I know it may not seem like it now, but I really was grateful.”

“You have a weird way of showing gratitude. I told you to stop running with that crowd. I told you it would end in trouble.”

He shrugs. “Old habits die hard.”

“Yeah, they do. And you have a habit of being reckless and unpredictable. So I ask again: what are you doing here?”

“You want unpredictable? Listen to this:You were right.” He smirks. “I bet you never thought you’d hear that, did you?”

I exhale sharply. So that’s why he’s here. “I stopped betting on you a long time ago, Jas.”

“You were the only friend I ever made in this world, man.” He kicks a worn shoe against the pavement. “You had my back from the very beginning. We looked out for one another. We were more than just cellmates; we were brothers.”

“I have many brothers now, Jasper. You know that already.”

“I know.” He clears his throat, gaze dropping once more. “And you know why I’m here.”

“I’d like to hear you say it all the same.”

Part of me asks just because I don’t think he’ll do it. His pride will get the best of him, and he’ll walk away. I won’t have to make this choice.

His eyes flash to mine, and I see a kernel of that old pride. But it’s gone just as quickly. “I want a place by your side. In your Bratva.”

“We tried that once before. It didn’t end well.”

“I was younger then. Stubborn. Proud,” he recites as though he’s been preparing for this moment for some time. “But I’ve changed. I’m ready to follow orders now.”

“I thought old habits die hard?”

He nods. “Mine didn’t go down without a fight, but I murdered every last one of ‘em.”

I run a hand through my hair, considering it for a split second. “Alright.”

“Are you serious? I’m in?”

“It’s not that simple,” I caution. “No one just ‘gets in.’ You’ll earn your stripes, same as any other man.”

He squares his shoulders. “I’m prepared to do whatever it takes.”

“Then leave your information with Matvei.” I gesture towards my soldier, who’s standing by the gate with a suspicious glare aimed in Jasper’s direction. “I’ll contact you soon.”

His hands clench, but instead of snapping back at the perceived slight, Jasper bows his head obediently. “I won’t let you down this time, Arsen.”

“Jasper?” Dominik barks, pointing to the viper tattoo on my bicep. “ThatJasper?!”


“He’s dead.”

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