Page 132 of Scarred Queen

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I take a deep breath. “Watch me.”

Then I pull the trigger.

The blast of the gun echoes in my ears, deafening.

But I feel lighter.

He’s gone. Nothing’s changed, really. He’s always been gone in one sense or another. Just like he was when he was alive. Just like he was when I needed him most.

My father’s empty eyes stare up at me. It isn’t so far from the way he looked at me in life.

My arm drops, the gun suddenly heavy in my hand. I mean to take a step away from the growing puddle of blood, but I stumble. Instantly, Arsen is around me.

“You did good,” he murmurs into my ear. He strokes my face, a blazing spark shining brightly in his eyes. “You were magnificent.”

“I did what I had to do for my family.”

“Exactly.” He nods, every syllable laced with pride. “Exactly.You’re Bratva through and through,roza.My beautiful rose with thorns.”

My eyes are closing. My limbs feel bogged down. I sink against his body. “Arsen…”

“It’s okay,” he assures me as I fall limply against his chest. “I’ve got you.”



I’m still mired in the muddy waters between consciousness and unconsciousness when I hear a gasp. “She’s awake.”

Someone laughs. “You might wanna give her some space, babe.”

I recognize the voices, but I can’t put names or faces to them. The effort is exhausting. I want to slip right back under the surface of my mind.

I’m on my way to doing exactly that when I feel a hand on my face. “She doesn’t need space. Not from me.”

I blink my eyes open, cringing against the bright hospital lights. Someone flicks them off, and I’m about to thank them when a face fills my vision.

She’s smiling down at me. Somehow, I find the energy to smile back. “You were supposed to meet me for lunch.”

My voice is hoarse. I’m not sure she can even understand me, but Guilia snorts and squeezes my hand like she’s afraid I’ll disappear. “If you ever get a printed invitation from me again,toss it in the trash and text me instead. I’m a twenty-first century girl.”


She kisses the back of my hand and looks over her shoulder. “Enzo, fetch Arsen. He’ll want to be here.”

As soon as Enzo is gone, she lowers her voice. “Your husband has been a real worrywart. The doctors told him you just needed rest, but he’s probably down the hall funding new research studies as we speak. Hell, he might be running the studies himself.”

“How long have I been asleep?”

“Sixteen hours. How are you feeling?”

“Like I could sleep for another sixteen hours,” I joke. But I take a moment to think about it. Other than the stiffness in my legs and a slight headache, I feel fine.

“You should feel badass,” Guilia says with a laugh. “I heard all about your heroic exploits. I’m impressed. I knew you were tough, but I didn’t know you were action-movie tough.”

I blink and see my father’s empty face… the blood puddling around his body on the floor…

“I didn’t have another choice,” I say quietly.

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