Page 126 of Scarred Queen

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“I’ve made up my mind,” I growl fiercely. “I’m not risking Laila’s life. I’m going in alone.”


“The decision is made, Dominik. I will not be questioned.”

Dominik’s lips press together in hard lines, but he doesn’t say a word.

Enzo isn’t held to the same level of obedience, so he shakes his head. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Arsen.”


That makes two of us.



The moment I step into the street in front of Nonna Guilia’s, I catch sight of him. Jasper’s bone-thin limbs are folded at harsh angles as he leans against the wall of the ugly building next door. He sets his eyes on me and pushes off the wall.

As the distance between us closes, his hand twitches towards the gun I know he’s concealing. Mine sits a little heavier against my hip.

If I knew Laila would make it out of this safely, I’d kill him where he stands without a moment’s hesitation.

“You don’t look surprised to see me, brother,” he calls ahead.

Maybe because his grand plan to get me here was about as subtle as the signs that he’s using again. His face is hollow and his eyes dart around, tracking something only he can see.

“I’m rarely caught unprepared, Jasper,” I say back. “You should know that by now.”

He scowls. “I’m guessing your lackeys are hiding somewhere close by?”

“I came alone. I figured that’s what you would want.”

“Aren’t you clever?”

“Wish I could return the compliment.”

He ignores me, scratching his wrist like he’s trying to dig right through the skin. “I just wish I trusted you.”

“I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me.”

“Call your men and order them to stand back,” he snaps. “I want to hear you give the command.”

I eye him coldly. “Are you scared?”

“I’d be a fool not to be. You have the manpower and the resources to wipe me out of existence. I have only my wits.”

“So not much, then?”

“Call them off or your pretty little wife won’t be so pretty anymore.”

I lunge towards him, barely holding myself back at the last second. “If you touch her, I’ll rip your hands off at the wrists and beat you with them. I’ll?—”

“I’llsend the signal to my man to pull the trigger if you don’t back the fuck up,” he hisses. “If I were you, I wouldn’t threaten the man who controls whether your woman lives or dies.”

“Laila has nothing to do with any of this.”

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