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Too big.

But we’d talk about his schedule and how I could make things easier. I just had to figure out how to phrase it so it didn’t sound like I was going to take over his life.

Because I wasn’t.

I was just going to make things easier.

I still hadn’t figured out how I was going to word that by the time he was dressed and I had sleep pants on, but it was a work in progress and I didn’t have to rush. My boy didn’t seem to be going anywhere.

Milo crawled into my lap like there was nowhere else in the world he wanted to be and he closed his eyes as he wrapped his lips around my nipple. His soft sigh was more than enough to let me know he was done for the day and that he knew I was right there to keep him safe and take care of everything else.

Chapter 17


“We have a little problem, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.” I thought I sounded optimistic as Daddy opened the door, but he frowned.

“What did I say about the door?”


“Um, to stop ringing the bell because I’m not a deliveryman who’s bringing smiles and naughty ideas?” Well, that was what he’d said last time, but when giggles started behind him and he rolled his eyes, I realized he’d meant the time before that. “Oh, um, not to ring the bell because I’m always welcome.”

Somehow I’d ended up arriving before Grace had left.


I’d thought I’d timed it better than that. I wasn’t Grace-ready. He liked her better than he liked his family and that always made me nervous. She’d say hi. I’d stutter and look stupid. Daddy would try to smooth things over.

It was a vicious cycle.

Daddy was trying to look stern and not laugh, but he was doing a terrible job of it. “I need to work on how I explain things to you if I’m going to have to hear my words come back at me.”


It wasn’t my fault—it was his.

“I always try to remember what you say because you’re important to me.” I managed not to say Daddy and I was glad I’d gone to the effort when more snickers came from deeper in the house.

She was just as nosy as Dally and Victor.

How did Daddy attract such gossipy people?

His huff made me fight off a smile. “Thank you.”

He was so cute.

“You’re welcome.” I gave him a cheek kiss and whispered as softly as I could. “Daddy.”

And his smile was back.

“Come here.” Pulling me into the house, Daddy gave me a quick kiss before snuggling me against him and trying to look serious. “Now, what has Dally done? Why do we have a little problem?”

“Well, Dally told his family about you and now they want to meet you.” As Daddy’s eyes widened, I nodded. “You’re supposed to come to dinner on Sunday night. I missed last week to be with you and that scandalized everyone and now I’m really sure his dad did something ridiculous because he specifically asked Dally for you to come.”

“What did he buy?” Daddy cocked his head. “I can’t think of anything dumber than a timeshare unless he got talked into some kind of pyramid scheme. Has he been trying to sell everyone weird vitamins?”

“No, but his mother did a few years ago. She didn’t bribe us to be the distraction, though. She hasn’t figured that out yet.” She was nice but not as devious.

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