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“On the bed and over my lap.” He did better when it was time to glare at me and my dick went back to being happy again.

Very happy.

It was so happy Daddy looked down and raised one eyebrow. “We’ll see about that.”

He had to let me come, right?

Spankings meant orgasms, right?

Oh, I was getting spanked then fucked, so that meant orgasms last?

Had I actually asked for an orgasm too?

As Daddy led me over to the bed, he let out a dry chuckle that went right through me. He sounded like an evil Dom from one of Dally’s dirty books and my penis wasn’t listening when I told him that was a scary sound. “What were you just thinking, naughty boy?”


Spanking time wasn’t the right time for lying.

“Um, that I couldn’t remember if I asked for an orgasm too?” I felt stupid admitting that, but his grin sent very confusing feelings through me. “But…but I did, right? I asked to come?”

Hadn’t I?

Daddy gave me a cheek kiss and his devilish grin just got more wicked. “Let’s not worry about details like that right now.”

Because it was spanking time.

“I…” There was something else I should’ve said, but once Daddy sat down on the bed and gave his lap a pat, my brain just stopped working. “Daddy?”

“You don’t have to worry about thinking or orgasms or anything else.” His hand ran down my neck, and somehow I found myself climbing on the bed. “All you have to do is stretch out over my lap and let me see that naughty bottom that needs some attention.”

I was pretty sure he was supposed to use more grown-up words for a spanking scene, but if he’d forgotten, it didn’t seem like the time to remind him. “I’m…I’m going to be your good boy, Daddy.”

Yes, and good boys didn’t argue about words like bottom.

“And I’m going to help you remember who you belong to and that you want to be my good boy.” Daddy leaned over and kissed the back of my head as I stretched out and hid my face against the bed. “That’s right. Spread your legs and offer your tushy up to Daddy. That’s right. I knew you had a naughty bottom.”


Dally talked too much.

My face had to be the same color as my tushy wanted to be because Daddy chuckled and rubbed his hand over my bottom. “Such a naughty boy.”

I couldn’t hold back the squeak that escaped, but thankfully Daddy was good to me and covered up the embarrassing sound with a smack that echoed in the room. I could feel myself sucking in a breath, but it got stuck in my chest when he spanked my other cheek.

The sounds made it feel like the pain should be sharp and too much, but the flash of pain was fast and then melted into something warm and mind-melting. I must’ve made a sound as my muscles finally let me relax back over his lap because he stroked his hands over my ass and made a low, thoughtful sound. “I think I’m starting to make an impression on you.”

Somehow that was even more embarrassing and made me feel even more wicked than being spanked had. “Daddy…”

“Aww…” Daddy spanked me again, not waiting for me to finish whining. As my brain whirled again, he rubbed his hand over the tender spot. “It’s okay. All naughty bottoms like being spanked. They just can’t help themselves.”

It took me several more spanks and way too long to realize he was talking about my hard cock poking his legs…and possibly the way I was humping his lap…and maybe whatever he was seeing my hole doing.

Yeah, none of that helped my embarrassment or my desire, and it turned into a circle of pain, embarrassment, and pleasure that Daddy loved watching.

And I loved experiencing.

But as my bottom got hotter and Daddy’s teasing pushed me closer to the edge, I whined and had to fight to find words to warn him. “Daddy…I…”

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