Page 7 of Unholy Obsessions

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My heart thrums inside my chest, rocking violently against my rib cage. Onyx spins on his heel, striding straight towards me. He’s in front of me within a fraction of a second, before I even have a chance to take a breath.

His hand fastens around my throat and he lifts me off my feet, holding me against the wall. My feet kick, bouncing off the broken drywall as I kick against his legs. His bright blue eyes shine through the holes of his ski mask, burning into mine.

I dig my nails into his arm, clutching at him with one hand while the other is still down the front of my skirt, deep inside my pussy. My fingers are warm and sticky—from my arousal onone hand and from the blood that I draw with my nails with the other.

“You’ve been a bad girl.” His breath warms my face. He dips closer, pressing his head against mine. The fabric of the ski mask brushes against my cheek, but it doesn’t bother me much as I grow more light-headed with every passing second. “Remember what I told you? No one fucking touches you, but me. And that goes for you too.”

I open my mouth, but no words come out as he restricts any air from flowing through my throat. I kick at him again, feeling my movements getting slower as my body gets heavier. My vision swims, a whooshing sound filling my ears as the outside edges of my vision grow black.

Onyx releases his hold, sliding his arms around my waist. He pulls my hand from under my skirt as he lowers me to the floor. My body sings, screaming with joy as the musty air rushes into my lungs. I consume as much as I can, sucking it in as my body comes back to life. Onyx is a fucking asshole, but I love him all the same.

“What the fuck?” I croak out. My voice is hoarse, and my throat burns with every word.

He cocks his head to the side as he leans over me. “What? Can’t handle it, little devil?”

Lifting my hand, I slap him across the face, feeling my palm burn as it connects, brushing against the ski mask. Onyx doesn’t move. He doesn’t breathe. He just stares back at me with a fire burning in his bright blue irises.

My heart pounds erratically in my chest. By making the move I just did, I’ve invited the monster out to play. If you think the ways that Onyx likes to play are fucked up, you have no idea what fucking door I just opened. Although I like when the monster comes out to play. I never know what I’m going to get with Onyx like this.

“Hmmm,” he murmurs, sliding his hands along the sides of my torso, grabbing the bottom hem of my shirt. He slides it upwards, my breasts falling free as he pulls it up to my collar bone. “You’re really asking for it tonight, aren’t you, Selene? I might have to punish you for how fucking bad you’re being.”

“And what are you going to do to me?” My words practically come out as a moan. I grab his shoulders, pulling him down onto the floor with me. My pussy throbs and I squirm, spreading my thighs wider as I scoot onto him, straddling one of his legs.

Onyx shakes his head, pulling my arms from my shirt and leaving it around my neck. He lifts his hand, raising one finger as he presses it to his lips. “Shhh…”

I swallow hard, the dead butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Their skeletal wings scrape my insides, the warmth spreading through me as I grind my clit against his leg. Onyx wraps his hand around my shirt, tightening it around my throat as he jerks my face to his.

“Did I tell you that you could rub your pussy on my leg?” His voice is hoarse, his words sharp and harsh. He narrows his eyes through his ski mask as a sinister look mixes in his irises.

I glare back at him, my lips lightly brushing against his. “I didn’t fucking ask.”

Onyx wraps his fist tighter around my shirt, constricting my airway as his other hand lands on my hip. His fingertips dig into my skin as he firmly holds me in place. “You don’t fucking move unless I tell you that you can.”

With the shirt wrapped around my neck, I open my mouth to speak, but the words won’t come out. Onyx is in his element now. He’s in control, and he’s going to make sure that I know that he’s calling the shots—not me. I’m no longer the prey. I’m his fucking feast.

He releases my hip, sliding his hand down my thigh, bruising my flesh with his brutal touch. His hand slips under my skirtand he pushes it up around my waist. The shirt around my throat loosens slightly as he drops his hand down to my panties. His fingers hook under the straps of my thong, and he viciously pulls. It cuts into my skin as he rips it, tearing it away from my body.

“When we get home, throw all these fucking things away. No more barriers.”

I nod, biting down on my bottom lip as I feel him drag his fingers through the wetness between my legs. A moan slips from my lips as he slides them across my slit, but he doesn’t dare to slip a finger inside me.

“My greedy little devil,” he murmurs as his face dips closer to mine. His tongue slips out of his mouth as he traces my lips. Without warning, he draws my bottom lip in between his teeth and bites into my flesh. “The more noise that you make, the longer it’s going to take for me to slide inside that tight pussy.”

Onyx licks my bottom lip, soothing my wounds before claiming my mouth with his. He’s brutal and explosive and I taste my blood on his tongue. My lips move in tandem with his as he swallows me whole and inhales my soul.

He’s the sinister creature that goes bump in the night.

And I’m the one he loves to torture with his wicked tongue.



Wrapping my hands around the tops of Selene’s arms, I abruptly lift her from my lap and push her back. She narrows her eyes at me as her ass almost lands on the dirty floor, but I don’t set her down. Holding onto her, I rise to my feet, pulling her up with me. Selene opens her mouth to speak, but I slam my hand across her lips, silencing her.

“Shhh,” I breathe, pulling her front flush with my body. “We’re not alone anymore.”

I feel Selene’s body tense against mine. My heart pounds against my rib cage. No one ever fucking comes here. And I can’t be sure there really is someone out there, but I could have sworn that I heard footsteps.

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