Page 1 of Inertia

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Ezra’s eyes meet mine as I shove open the bathroom door. I stride toward him, his lips curling upward into a smirk. He knows why I’m coming for him right now and he’s a fucking fool for not turning around and running in the opposite direction. He turns his head, glancing at Ainsley who is passed out by the bathtub as he positions the needle along his arm.

His mouth falls open, with who knows what type of a shitty comment, but I shut him up quickly as I drive my fist into the side of his jaw. I’m not here to talk to this piece of shit. We both know what he did, so I’m going to let my fists do the talking for me. That’s what I’m really here for. To make him regret so much as even breathing in Ainsley’s direction.

She might be fucked up in the head, but that girl is fucking gold.

And he just tarnished her fucking shine.

“What the fuck,” he musters out, spitting a mouthful of blood onto the floor by my feet. “What the fuck is your problem?”

Ezra doesn’t anticipate my movements as I drive my opposite fist into the other side of his face. His head quickly turns and he stumbles backward into the toilet, dropping his needle and tourniquet on the floor. His eyes roll back into his head momentarily before he shakes the fuzziness away and charges toward me. I dodge his fist as he comes at me, stepping to the side as he staggers past me.

Spinning on my heel, I follow after him, shoving him onto the floor as he loses his footing.

“You’re going to fucking regret this!” he seethes, yelling at me as I take the toe of my boot and drive it into the side of his ribs. Ezra screams, groaning loudly as he uses his hands to try to shield himself from the blows as I kick him a few more times.

I can’t stop now. I’m too far gone and I’m ready to fucking kill this kid right now for what he did to Ainsley. A crowd grows outside of the doorway as I drop down onto my knees, straddling him. I pay them no mind, because all they are is background noise. All that matters right now is teaching this piece of shit a lesson and this is his last goddamn warning to stay away from Ainsley.

Leaning up on my knees, I drive my fists into the sides of his face, switching from left to right as I continue to deliver blows, pummeling his fucking face. His eyes are already beginning to swell, his face covered in blood.

“I fucking warned you, Ezra,” I seethe, growling at him as my hands grip the sides of his head. “I told you to stay the fuck away from her and you royally fucked up now. It’s time for you to pay.”

Pulling his head upward, his swollen eyes widen as much as they can as a garbled sound comes from his mouth. It pisses me off even more. He doesn’t get to fucking talk now. He should have thought about all of this before giving Ainsley smack.

The tips of my fingers dig into the sides and back of his head. Just as I’m about to slam the back of his skull onto the floor, four pairs of hands wrap themselves around my arms and tear me off of him. I’m hauled to my feet and quickly shuffled backward, putting as much distance between me and Ezra.

My chest heaves with every shallow breath as my heart pounds erratically in my chest. Courtland steps in front of me, shoving me in my chest. “Go,” he barks at me. “Some asshole already called the cops.”

My eyes widen, glancing between Courtland and Ezra. I expected him to be knocked out, but his eye that isn’t swollen shut meets mine as Arlo helps him to sit up. “When did you get here?” I look back at Court.

“Obviously not soon enough.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Just go. Amethyst and I got this. The last thing we need is for you to get fucking arrested.”

They can’t arrest me if they can’t find me.

I glance over at Ainsley, slumped against the side of the toilet. “I’m not leaving her.”

“Killian,” Courtland growls as Amethyst steps beside him, her hand falling onto his shoulder. “You need to go.”

“I’m not going anywhere without her.”

Courtland lets out an exasperated sigh. “Dude, I told you that we got this—”

“Take her and go,” Amethyst interjects lightly, ignoring Courtland’s glare as he bores a hole into the side of her face. “Be quick and quiet.”

I nod, silently thanking her as I turn my back to them. I move across the small space to Ainsley’s crumpled form on the floor. She feels light—too light—as I lift her into my arms and cradle her like a small child. Her head rolls in the crook of my elbow as I tuck my other arm under her knees, holding her tightly against my chest.

I carry her effortlessly from the bathroom, pausing in the doorway as I glance back at the mess that I’ve made. Courtland and Amethyst are on damage control, but I know that they won’t stay long enough for the cops to get here.

They’ll only stay long enough to try and clean up my fucking mess and hopefully get Ezra to keep his goddamn mouth shut.

My eyes find his bloodied body on the floor. I swallow roughly, feeling my chest constrict.

“Killian!” Courtland’s voice is loud and I lift my eyes to his. “You gotta go.”

Nodding, I hold Ainsley as close as I can, feeling her chest rising and falling with every shallow breath that her body can muster. The blood on my hands stains her clothes. I turn away from them, ducking out of the room as I push through the crowd of people gathered around.

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