Page 39 of It's Just Business

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Thinking quickly, I glance at my monitor, seeing the report I was trying to make heads or tails of for the last hour. “I’d like your take on this,” I tell her, waving her around to my side of the desk. “It’s a deal I’m considering with Dexstrom.”

She gets up, her hips swaying as she comes to stand beside me. Her eyes are wary, like she can read the duality of myintentions. Sure, any help I can get with this gibberish would be appreciated, but getting Raven closer to me is what I want.

She’s so close I can feel her warmth. I can smell her perfume. The tension crackles, and I ignore it. Just like I ignore my cock.

“Bleeding edge tech,” she says, leaning over to look at my screen more closely as she starts to look through the slide show I’ve watched a half-dozen times. I don’t know if she realizes it, but it puts her right breast within mere inches of my forearm. Glancing at my other monitor, she sees the numbers. “Seventeen million… not a lot, in your eyes?”

“No,” I reply, my voice slightly raspy. Professional? All I want to do is turn my hand, tease her breast, and ravish her body like it deserves. “What more do you see?”

Raven pushes in closer. “You mind?” she asks, gesturing toward the mouse.

I back up, giving her space and trying to prevent an issue as she reaches across me, taking control of the tiny arrow on the screen.

And though she’s driving me insane, Raven doesn’t seem to notice. She’s intently focused, peering at my monitors, her head only moving when she switches from one to the other. Worse, with her completely distracted, I let my eyes trace down her body… the nape of her neck, her shoulder, her hip, the length of her leg. With barely a tug, I could bring her skirt up and bury my face in paradise, my tongue stroking her pussy until she screams my name.

Business, Dylan. It’s just business.

“From a strictly business perspective, the short term outlooks are break even at best,” she says, pointing at the screen, and I force my gaze to follow where she’s indicating even though I have the whole thing nearly memorized at this point. “Their P&L looks atrocious in that regard. Buton the other hand…”

“Yes?” I whisper, my voice catching as I have to physically restrain myself from reaching out and touching her. “Raven.”

She stops and looks from the computer to me, and it’s more than obvious from her change in expression that she knows exactly what I’ve been thinking. Her shoulders square as she stands up straighter, but she doesn’t move away from me. She’s still so close.

“I have a confession to make,” she says, not nearly as confidently as she just was, but she pins me with her green eyes, unafraid of me, at least. “I was worried all day about whether I could actually work here.”

“Why?” I ask, and Raven licks her lips. My tone is more stern when she doesn’t immediately answer. “Why, Miss Hill?” I use her last name intentionally, putting space between us even if it’s only verbally.

“Today has been amazing. It’s everything I hoped it would be. But…” She trails off, glancing off to the side, and I lift my brows expectantly, bidding her to go on. “I spent too much time thinking about you.” Her eyes return to mine, temptation stirring in them.

“And what did you think about me?” I demand, needing the answer more than I need air.

She doesn’t answer. Well, not with words. But she tenses her thighs together, nearly scissoring them as she searches for relief. Just like that, I know I’m going to fuck her tonight. I’m going to fuck her like she wants me to… like I want to.

The temperature in the room rises. Or maybe it’s only the heat building in my body. Either way, I’m on fire for her, and I haven’t laid a hand on her yet.

“Raven,” I say sternly, “Understand that this has nothing to do with your work. You did a great job today and can continue to do so. Even if you walk out that door right now.”

She glances at the closed door, not moving. I scoot back from my desk, creating room so she can stand in front of me.

“Here?” she whispers. “I think poor location choice was our downfall last time.” Rather than the horror I know she felt then and probably still feels about the aftermath, she sounds unsure at best.

With the push of a button, the door locks remotely, the sound filling the room. “Worst case scenario, I have a private exit that can take us to the parking garage. It’s a long way down, but it can be done. And everyone leaves by six-fifteen at the latest, other than me and the custodial crew.”

I’m trying to allay her fears. I’m also trying to distract her as I pull her between my spread thighs by her hips.

Raven’s eyes stay on me as I knead the rich swells of her ass, rub my hands down her legs, and tease the hem of her skirt higher. She moans softly, her breath catching as I find the zipper and undo it. With each tooth, her skirt relaxes slightly until it falls down her thighs to puddle at her feet.

“I have a confession too,” I tell her as I inhale her scent. “I spent all day the same way, wanting you more with each passing moment.”

I squeeze her ass, running my hand along the curve and down the edge of her panties to between her legs. Her mound is hot and her panties damp in the center. A tiny shudder works its way through her at the barest touch. Fucking hell, she’s intoxicating.

“Wanting me for what?” she whimpers as my fingers begin massaging her.

It seems there is still one concern I haven’t addressed.

“Raven, I don’t do this,” I tell her, emphasizing my words with circular strokes over her clit through the thin, soaked lace. “I’m not seeing anyone else. I’m not fucking anyone else. I don’t give a shit if everyone knows about us.” She gasps, and I don’t think it’s about what my fingers are doing. “Or we can keep this between us for your sake.You work, you make money, you make me money. And we fuck. We help each other relax at the end of the day. You want that, darling?”

Her legs part, seemingly unconsciously, and I grin, knowing her answer before she does. “Dylan.”

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