Page 84 of Ice Princess

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I drop my gun and lower to my knees. Elio’s men start to cuff us. I don’t like it, but I understand it. They don’t know me from Adam. Lana is safe, and that is all that matters.

Peter, still on his knees and handcuffed, suddenly loses it. "You see? The D'Amatos have the police in their pocket! The whole city's corrupt!"

I turn to face my former partner, watching as he thrashes against his restraints. His eyes are wild, filled with a mixture of hatred and desperation.

"They're criminals!” he shrieks. "And you're all just letting them walk away! What kind of justice is that?"

One of the officers who came with Elio steps forward. His expression is one of cool disdain as he regards Peter. "That's rich, coming from you. We have a recording of you saying youdon't mind breaking the law to get revenge. So, tell me, who's really responsible for making the city corrupt?"

Peter's face pales at this revelation. His mouth opens and closes, but no sound comes out. I can't help but feel a twinge of pity for my former partner. He'd been consumed by his need for vengeance, and now he's lost everything. But I push the feeling aside, reminding myself of what he was willing to do to Lana.

The officer continues, his voice hard. "You're going away for a long time, Hartley. Kidnapping, assault, conspiracy… the list goes on. Hope it was worth it."

As Peter is hauled to his feet, his eyes meet mine one last time. The betrayal I see there makes me flinch, but I stand my ground. I made my choice, and I'd make it again in a heartbeat.

Another of Elio’s men calls out, “All clear.”

Elio and his underboss stride in.

“Oh, Jesus, Lana.” He rushes to her. “Unlock her. Fuck… unlock her now.”

“I can—” A hand pushes me down while one of Elio’s men goes to help Lana.

“What the fuck?” Elio’s underboss says, helping lower Lana until Elio can pick her up. He cradles her, murmuring something to her, his voice too low for me to hear, but I can see the tenderness in his actions. Not monsters. A family full of love.

“Which one is Lutz?” the underboss asks.

“I am.”

The underboss nods to the cop who cuffed me. He rummages through my pockets until he finds my ID. “Yep. Henry Lutz.”

“Let him go.”

As the cop uncuffs me and I stand, the underboss steps in front of me. “You’re free because you saved her. But you need to stay away.”

It’s a warning. A deadly warning.

I turn to Lana, limp in Elio’s arms as he makes his way out of the room. I move toward them, knowing I’ll likely end up with a bullet in my head. But I need to see her.

Elio’s eyes lock onto mine, and the intensity of his glare stops me in my tracks. "You did this," Elio snarls, his voice dripping with venom. “She trusted you.”

I open my mouth to protest, to explain, but no words come out. Elio doesn't wait for a response. He turns on his heel and strides out of the room, Lana's limp form held tightly in his arms.

I watch them go, my heart sinking. I’ve lost her for sure, if the betrayal in her eyes is any indication. Elio’s fury and protection will ensure I don’t have a chance to explain to her. I’ve lost her for good. But she’s safe. That’s all that matters.



Idrift in and out of consciousness, the world around me a hazy blur of pain and confusion. The darkness is a comfort, a refuge from the agony. I cling to it, willing myself to stay under, to avoid facing the pain.

Vaguely, I become aware of gentle hands tending to my wounds. Dr. Evans, I assume, though I can't bring myself to open my eyes and confirm. The sharp sting of antiseptic on my back makes me wince, but I remain still, afraid that any movement might shatter this fragile state of semi-awareness.

Elio's presence is a constant, a protective shadow hovering nearby. I can sense his worry, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. He murmurs something to the doctor, his voice a low rumble that I can't quite make out.

Time becomes meaningless. I float in and out, sometimes catching snippets of conversation, other times lost in the blissful nothingness of sleep. It's easier this way. Easier than facing the memories, the betrayal, the crushing pain of everything that's happened.

Piper's voice cuts through the fog, soft but insistent. "I really think we should let Henry visit. He’s?—”

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