Page 96 of The Beekeeper

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Arlow glares at him. “It won’t look like self-defense if you die on your knees.” The last word has scarcely left his lips when a sharp crack echoes through the night.

Everything slows and sharpens into focus. The following seconds feel like they hold a lifetime as a dark hole materializes between Carl’s brows. I watch, rapt, as blood hesitates, taking its time before oozing out to drip between vacant eyes. His musclessuddenly realize he’s dead and his body slumps heavily to the ground.

Arlow lowers the gun, walks over to him, and bends down to make sure he’s really gone.

“Is he?” I breathe, nausea twisting my stomach.

Straightening his back, he nods. “He’s dead. Now we can call the police.”

Sobs pour out of me as I rush at him and throw my arms around his middle. He embraces me carefully, mindful of my injuries while I cling to him. “I’m sorry! I went out to the car without telling you or grabbing my gun. It was so stupid.”

“It’s okay.” His large hand cups the back of my head, brushing over my hair. “It’s going to be okay. It’s over.”

“No.” Stepping back, I scrub my hands over my face. “Now you have another death on your conscience because of me.”

“Calliope.” His firm voice demands my full attention. “He hurt you. I won’t lose a wink of sleep over this. Do you hear me? I’d do it again.”

This can’t happen. He can’t ruin his life for me. A stalker killed on his property and in self-defense, I would hope that he’d be okay, but it’s not worth the risk. You never know how things are going to go when you involve authorities.

“We aren’t calling the cops. We need to bury him.” Arlow blinks and his lips part, his brows rising, but he remains quiet as I continue. “We didn’t ask for this and we don’t deserve what they’re going to put us through. The whole town will know. Even if neither of us are charged, things will never be the same. We have a whole graveyard and forest to hide him.”

Finally, after a long silence, he nods.



Willing my heart toslow into a safer tempo, I put the safety on my gun and tuck it in my waistband. I have to keep reassuring myself that Calli is okay. I made it here in time. When I clicked on the notification for the trail cam, all I expected to see was another deer or raccoon. My heart must be okay, because the sight of Calli marching past with a gun held to her back should have been enough to stop it. I’ve never felt such terror and panic. I couldn’t tell you anything I did or thought between grabbing my gun and running to the woods.

I knew one thing. If I found him, he wasn’t leaving the forest alive. No one is taking her from me. If he was arrested, his jail sentence would end eventually. She’d have to leave and run again.

It never occurred to me that she led him out here to kill him.

She steps up and cups my face, looking into my eyes. “Are you okay?”

Look at her, standing here bruised and scraped with blood splattered on her. Asking ifI’mokay. “Now that I know you’re safe, I’m fine. How do you feel? Your breathing…”

“I can breathe fine. I’m just sore.”

I take her hand and lead her back toward the field. “Come on. We need some stuff to move him.”

At least we have over twelve hours of darkness to get him underground. There’s little chance anyone will see us. I can’t remember the last time someone set foot in the graveyard unless they were with me. That’s the best place to put him. The forest will be hard to dig, too full of roots. Plus, I already have a long strip cleared that I planned to plant bushes in this spring.

The motion lights blink on when we get back to the driveway and I pull up the app that controls them, shutting them all off, along with the security and trail cameras. I’ll have to go back and delete everything they picked up so far.

Calli closes her car door that’s still standing open, then asks, “Are we taking the ATV?”

“You need to ice your neck, drink some water, and rest. I’ve got this.”

“Absolutely not. I’m helping put that motherfucker in the ground. Don’t waste your breath arguing.”

I didn’t expect her to agree but I had to try. It’s hard to see her so banged up. “Alright. We’ll take the ATV and the log hauler. It’ll fit through the forest easier than the trailer. Where’s your metal detector? We need to find his phone and gun.”

“At my cabin. I’ll get it.”

“Do you want me to?—”

She flaps her hand back at me, already on her way. “He’s dead. The threat is gone. I’m not afraid.”

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