Page 74 of The Beekeeper

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“Move it again?”

She shrugs, gathering more of her stuff to take to my place. “I’m sure Mona would let me out of my lease if I asked. If the guy isn’t caught soon.”

Of course, she could pick up and go. That’s what she did when she came here. It might be what’s best for her but I have to turn away so my expression doesn’t reveal the instant anguish caused by her remark. I’ve never been good at hiding emotions. My sister once told me that my face has subtitles.

Once the cabin is back in order and the locks changed, we go back to my place. Calli moves her stuff from the guest room to my room for the time being, then leaves to take the gift basket to Mona while I wait for my parents to arrive. She texts me as they’re pulling in the driveway to tell me not to wait for her or expect her back for dinner because she’s going to help Silver for a few hours. I suspect she’s trying to give me some time alone with my family before she returns.

Mom grabs me in a hug the second she sees me. “Look at you! You look fantastic. I love the beard.” While I was getting my hair cut, I had them line up my short beard and trim it evenly. “So distinguished.”

Dad hugs me as well and we spend the next few hours catching up. We’ve moved to my living room after dinner when I let them know about Calli. “I have a friend who’s staying with me the next few days while she waits on her furnace to be repaired.” I don’t like lying to them but there’s no way I’m telling them the truth. Mom would be spreading the word online in seconds anddemanding to know where Handleman is. “She should be here soon.”

“Oh, I’d love to meet one of your friends,” Mom replies. “Tell me about her.”

“Her name is Calli. She lives in the cabin next door and she’s really sweet. I’m sure you’ll like her.”

“That’s great. The more the merrier. And we’ll have four for board games!”

Poor Calli may not realize what she’s gotten herself into. My parents are good people, and can be a lot of fun, but Mom is the queen of gossip and will probably ask her a thousand questions before the weekend is over. Before she shows up, I warn Mom not to ask her about her family because it’s a sore subject.

Calli arrives as we’re getting the Monopoly game out, and after she’s introduced to my parents, Mom gestures to the table. “You’re just in time to join us!”

“You don’t have to play if you’d rather not,” I assure her.

Calli smiles and pulls up a chair. “Are you kidding? I’m going to wipe the board with you.”

It’s a nice night, gathered around my table, laughing and talking with my parents and Calli. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you’ve missed people until you get to spend time with them again.

Calli does indeed beat me, knocking me out of the game first, and then Mom next. She groans when she lands on Dad’s property for the second time in a row. “I am mortgaged to the teeth, here. Have some mercy,” she says.

“I will accept your forfeit and spare you the indignancy of bankruptcy,” Dad offers.

“Too late for that. I’m broke. You win.”

“That’s what you get for targeting me first,” I tease her.

“It’s not my fault you kept trespassing on my property.”

“Payback, little peach bandit.”

Both my parents are grinning at us and the look on Mom’s face says everything she’s thinking. I definitely inherited my transparent expressions from her.

“Can I help you cook tomorrow?” Calli asks her. “I’d be happy to make a pie for dessert if you don’t already have something planned.”

“Of course! Arie has gone on so much about how wonderful your baking is.”

“Is that right, Arie?” Calli peeks up at me, her lips twitching as she uses Mom’s nickname for me.

“I may have mentioned you once or twice.”

Once Mom and Dad have retired to the guest room, I grab some pillows and a blanket for the couch. “I have my own pillows,” Calli argues.

“I put them on my bed.”

Her face folds into a cute frown. “I’m sleeping on the couch.”

“The hell you are. I put fresh sheets on my bed for you.” She dives onto the couch, lies down and stares up at me, crossing her arms over her chest. “Have it your way.”

“Arlow!” she laughs, when I scoop her up and carry her toward the stairs. “Put me down!”

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