Page 42 of The Beekeeper

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Lacey pauses by a bobbing for apples game. “Anyone want a turn?”

Silver snorts, backing away like someone might force her to participate. “Do I want to open my mouth in a barrel of water that every scroungy, sticky kid in town has dunked their sweaty heads in? Hard pass.”

“Ew. Good point,” Lacey says. “How about the corn maze? Look, you can race!” She’s right. The sign outside the massive field of corn displays an arrow to two different entrances and a challenge in red paint.Race your friends to solve the maze!

“I’m on Arlow’s team!” Silver announces.

“That’s not fair. He can probably see over the top,” Lacey exclaims.

Silver points at her. “Exactly.”

The exasperation in his voice sends me into giggles, helped by the edible, no doubt. “I’m not ten feet tall!”

“What exactly keeps me from just walking through the corn to get out?” Lee asks. Lacey grabs his arm and my wrist, tugging us toward the left entrance. “We aren’t cheaters.”

The teams are decided then. Arlow glances over at me. “Calli gets turned around in our patch of woods. Good luck.”

His taunting smile is adorable, but it doesn’t keep my competitive side from roaring to the forefront. “Oh, is that how it is? We’ll be waiting on the other side for you. Text if you need a rescue.”

“Keep dreaming, sweetheart.”

Trying not to let my heart fly out of my chest at the sound of the endearment, I cross my arms. “How about a bet?” His eyebrows rise as he waits on me to continue. “Whoever loses has to get their face painted and the winners pick the design.”

Lee jerks to look at me. “Wait a minute, I never agreed?—”

“You’re on!” Silver calls, and they disappear into the maze, getting a head start.

It’s dim in the narrow paths carved between the stalks, but the full moon helps light the way. Lee is heading the charge, and Lacey huffs. “We aren’t running!”

“If you think I’m getting a damn puppy dog nose or something painted on my face, you’re crazy.”

“But you’d make a cute puppy,” I tease.

Lacey rubs her chin pretending to think. “I don’t know. Maybe a bunny rabbit.”

“Move your asses or I’ll carry you one under each arm.”

Laughing, we fall behind him and let him lead. “So, your friend, Silver, is she single?” Lacey asks me.

Lee stops, turns around, and points a finger at her. “No.”

It’s the only thing he says before continuing on. She bats the word away with a roll of her eyes, slows her steps, and looks over at me for an answer.

“She is, but the breakup was recent and brutal. She isn’t dating yet.”

Sympathy presses her lips together. “That’s too bad.”

“Lee doesn’t like you playing matchmaker, huh?”

“No, but if he had his way, he’d never leave the lake house. He and Arlow compete over who can be the biggest recluse, I swear.” She pauses for a moment, tilting her head. “Arlow is different tonight. He’s always seemed so quiet and serious…sad. It’s good to see him having fun and acting silly. Maybe he’ll rub off on my brother.”

“Lacey!” Lee calls from somewhere ahead of us.

She turns to beam at me. “Come on, we’d better win, or Lee will never let me hear the end of it.”



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