Page 35 of The Beekeeper

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“I am a grown ass man, not a bestie,” Lee growls as Silver climbs in and sits beside him.

“Well, thanks for the ride, not a bestie. I really appreciate it.”

Calli gets in next, scooting as close to her as possible to give me room. “Where’s your car?”

“At my house.” She addresses Lee. “Over on Webb Avenue beside the park.”

Lee smirks down at Silver. “What did you do?”

Silver grins at him and chirps, “Rearranged the balls and teeth of a cheating asshole.”

“Kyle cheated on you?” Calli exclaims, outraged, and Silver nods. “Do you want to tell me what happened or wait until we can talk privately?”

“No worries. I’m sure the whole town will know soon. You know how things spread. I’m not the lying, cheating bastard or whore in this situation so people can say what they want.” Rage and pain battle for dominance in her voice and Calli reaches over to take her hand.

Silver takes a deep breath. “Remember how Sandra didn’t want Kyle to move in with me? She failed to mention it was because it would be harder for her to keep fucking him. She was supposed to meet me at my house when I got off work yesterday so we could head to your place for margaritas. Business was slow at the diner, and I was able to leave a bit early. Sandra was already at my house even though I hadn’t told her to come yet, but I didn’t think much of it. We’ve been friends for almost ten years for fuck’s sake. I figured she was excited to have a night out since she rarely has a babysitter, so she showed up early.”

She points out her house to Lee and he parks in the driveway beside her huge fenced yard.

“Did you catch them, like…in the act?” Calli asks as we exit the truck.

Silver scoffs, “It was a fucking act all right. That bitch was moaning and hollering while she rode him on my couch. Sounded like a fake ass porno.”

“I’m so sorry,” Calli tells her and grabs her in a hug. “What can I do?”

She hugs her back and wipes her eyes quickly. “Help me throw his shit in the yard?”

“Hell yes, let’s do it.” Calli turns to me and Lee. “Thanks for bringing us. I’m going to stay with Silver. I’ll deal with my car later.”

Lee shakes his head in unison with me as I argue, “You don’t know if he’ll come back here. It might not be safe.” I’m not leaving her here in the middle of some domestic fight that could get out of hand.

“Both of my brothers are on their way to spend the night with me. They’ll be here any minute,” Silver assures us.

“We’ll stay until they arrive.” I glance over at Lee who nods his agreement. It’s not that these two couldn’t take care ofthemselves but you never know how situations like this might go. Especially after a fight and a night in jail.

Silver thanks us and invites us inside but we hang around by Lee’s truck instead to keep an eye on things while Calli goes in with her.

Lee leans against his bumper, then grins over at me. “Your neighbor has made your life much more interesting. Vandalism, a jail pickup and bodyguard duty in only a few hours.”

“None of that is her doing.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing. You need some excitement.”

“Your most exciting day is fishing,” I point out. Before he can reply, the upstairs window screeches open and random items begin to fly out. A gaming system topples end over end before hitting the ground and bursting like an egg. Clothes, personal items and electronics pile up.

“That is not a woman to cross,” Lee remarks with a tinge of admiration in his voice.

“Fucking her best friend in her living room. Can’t blame her.”

A car parks on the street in front of the house and a woman gets out. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” Silver shouts, charging out the door as she approaches. Calli is right behind her and catches up to them in the yard.

“I’m sorry. It just happened.”

Lee glances over at me as we both realize this must be Sandra.

“Really? It just happened? That’s the best you’ve got? Oops, sorry, I accidentally got my pussy out and it jumped on his dick.”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you?—”

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