Page 26 of The Beekeeper

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“Hey.” Her steps halt when I do. “It’s nothing nefarious. I told you I like to draw. I work on art projects in the barn. It’s just something I prefer to keep private.”

“I understand. I didn’t mean to be intrusive.”

“You weren’t. I didn’t mean to creep you out.”

“You don’t creep me out.” Squinting as a thin ray of sun sneaks through the canopy to hit her face, she looks up at me. “You have a really calming presence. Has anyone ever told you that?”

It might be the best compliment I’ve ever received. “I can’t say they have.”

“You do. My anxiety always seems to disappear when I’m around you.”

She has no idea the effect she’s had on me in the short month since she moved next door. It wasn’t just the creative block. She cured a loneliness I wasn’t even aware of.

The way she’s gazing up at me—her face so full of sincerity and vulnerability, a more beautiful muse has never existed. She’s my inspiration and my friend, but the urge to taste her parted lips is almost irresistible.

Almost. “I enjoy being with you too.”

A sweet, shy smile is her reply before we continue down the trail.



I’ve been waitingfor a clear day to paint the glider I bought at the flea market and the opportunity finally comes. The base coat of cloudy gray is finished and dry, but the next part may not be as easy as I thought.

When Arlow approaches, I’m happy to set the stencils aside to get the pie he’s coming after. For a little over two months, we’ve been spending time together. On most of the nights that I’m not working, midnight finds me with him, either at the firepit on the hill or lounging on one of our porches. Occasionally, we get high or have a drink. Sometimes we talk until the sky begins to lighten, and sometimes we just relax in silence, enjoying the stars.

“How’s it going?” he asks.

“I think I’ve been too overconfident in my abilities.” I get to my feet, brushing off the seat of my jeans. “I was going to paint some simple vines and use these stencils to add flowers.”

“What’s the problem?”

“I have no talent.”

He snorts out a laugh. “You just need some practice.”

“You didn’t see the part I painted over already. I’m done for today anyway. Silver is supposed to be coming by with someoneto snake out my clogged bathtub.” Thunder rumbles in the distance despite the sunny sky. So much for the clear weather forecast. “Will you help me move this to the porch?”

“Of course.” Arlow grabs the opposite end of the glider. Between the two of us, it isn’t heavy, just cumbersome.

“Your pie is on the kitchen table. Blueberry this time.”

“Thank you,” he says, ducking inside to retrieve it. When he returns there’s a tinge of blue on his lips.

“You already took a bite,” I chuckle, sitting down on the top step.

“You have no proof of that.” He takes a seat beside me, scooting the plastic pie carrier away when I reach for it.

Ugh that grin. He’s adorable. All ruggedly scruffy, pretty eyes and white lashes shining in the sun. His hair has grown to just past his ears, giving it that sexy messy look.

A sudden wind strips a few leaves from the tree, and one lands on his head. It sits there like a bird perched in his hair. With a silent chuckle, I pluck it off him, my leg pressing against his. The cute smile that usually appears when he’s amused is nowhere in sight. His lips are slightly parted, and he studies my mouth for a long moment before gradually lifting his eyes to meet mine.

Tiny wings beat inside my chest and my cheeks grow warm under his gaze. Those eyes, my god. So soft but flickering with heat. I can only imagine the passion that lives behind them. He reaches up to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear, letting his fingertip trail over the back of my lobe and down my jaw.

Neither of us have the ability to tear our eyes away. My heart is beating a crazy rhythm as I reach up to run my fingers through his scruff, brushing over the white patch. His chest rises with a deep breath at my touch. We’re both caught up in something out of our control, this visceral reaction that separates us from the world and leaves only a desperate desire. His restraint isvisible as his throat contracts on a hard swallow. It vanishes the moment I lean in and catch his bottom lip in a tentative kiss.

It's quick, soft, and so sweet, sending an ache through my chest. Before I can put an inch of space between our mouths, he slides his hand behind my neck and pulls me back in. A tiny hum escapes me when his tongue slips in to brush mine, tasting faintly of blueberries. My entire body lights up as he deepens the kiss, and I wrap my arm around him.

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