Page 111 of The Beekeeper

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That’s what she’s worried about? “Calliope.” She drags her gaze to mine reluctantly. “When I look at you, I see the strongest, bravest, sweetest woman I’ve ever known. I’m in awe of you and fucking stunned that you love me like you do. What you did tonight?—”

She brushes her fingers over my face. “Was no more than you did for me. We protected each other.”

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” The truth in my statement should be concerning, and her response is unexpected.

She straddles my lap, grips my face and parts my lips with her tongue. My arms wrap around her automatically as she deepens the kiss and slips her hand onto my nape. The effect she has on me is remarkable and something I may never understand but I don’t care. I slide my hand under her hair, gripping it close to her scalp and tug her head back until she’s looking me in the eye.

The air heats as everything around us fades to nothing. All I see is her. Her chest rising and falling faster, the desire in her gaze bordering on desperation. My cock hardens in seconds, and she flexes her hips, pushing against it. “Calliope.” Her name falls out, half question half supplication.

With her eyes burning into mine, she nods, and our mouths collide again. She rips my shirt open, sending the buttons flying, and runs her hands over my chest, grinding on me. I pull her sweatshirt off, tossing it behind her and dip my head to suck her nipple.

Her fingers fumble with the button of my pants. I scoot her off my lap, laying her on the ground above the buried evidence of our devotion. She frantically removes the rest of her clothes while I strip my bottom half.

When I kneel to plant my face between her legs, she shakes her head. “Just fuck me. Hard, please.”

Something ignites inside me at her plea. Some buried part of myself that will never again let me doubt humans are animals, despite our civilized performance. Her legs wrap around me as I bury myself to the hilt and catch her sudden shout in my mouth. The way her pussy clenches around my cock has me seeing sparkles in the darkness behind my eyelids.

Fingernails dig into my ass as she urges me on with curses and cries for me to fuck her harder, faster. If that’s what she needs, I’m going to give it to her. I pound into her, losing myself completely in the pure primal ecstasy of it. Our voices fill the air, a cacophony tossed into the night for the dead around us to hear. If they crawled out of their graves right now, I couldn’t stop. I’m too far gone. We both are. I don’t know where I end or she begins, and I never want to.

“Oh fuck, yes,” she gasps out a second before her shout encompasses me, forcing me into that moment of devastating, blistering pleasure with her. “Arlow!”

My mind blanks. She’s all that exists in that sweet all-consuming darkness. If this is what death is like, let me go, as long as she’s there with me.

I open my eyes to see her lying with her head tilted back, her eyes shut as she catches her breath. Lying down beside her, I roll her onto my body, off the cold ground. She tucks her head under my chin. We lie there in silence, covered in soil and grass, moonlight painting our naked bodies in blue.

There are some things neither time nor miles can put behind us, and I know this moment is one that will never be forgotten.

The chill of the air can’t be ignored for long, and we rise to get dressed. “Are you okay?” I ask.

She looks over at me, her lips twitching before laughter pushes through. “Silver once asked me if we fucked in the graveyard like a couple of ghouls. She was teasing but imagine what she’d think of this deviance.”

“Good thing only the sky was watching,” I quip.

She grins, picking up her shovel. “I’m sure the stars have witnessed worse.”

I grab my shovel in one hand and take her hand in the other as we walk back across the graveyard toward home. She’s quiet but I hope she’s feeling what I am. The fulfillment and security that comes from knowing the best and worst of each other. No judgment exists between us, only a powerful, obsessive love.

We put away our tools, and I spray away the puddle of blood left at the edge of the driveway, dumping bleach on it and covering it with more gravel. I’ll need to make sure things are cleaned up better tomorrow but for tonight, we’re good.

We shower together, crawl into my bed, and sleep.

A sharp pain shoots across my chest and into my shoulder, waking me earlier than usual. Calli is still asleep beside me and doesn’t budge when I slip out of bed. The pain comes again, not as sharp, but now it’s steady, spreading across my collarbone and down into my ribs.

Fuck. No, please. Just let me get things finished today. I need time to check the graveyard and make sure there’s no evidence left in the driveway.

I pull my blood pressure cuff out and try to keep calm while it squeezes my arm, so my fear won’t affect the reading. It’s normal. So is my heart rate. I run it again. The cuff has a setting to detect an irregular heartbeat as well, and it doesn’t trigger.

Okay. I’m okay.

Ignoring the pain, I get moving. After another bucket of bleach water and some rearranging of the rocks, the driveway is done. I pick up the gloves we left near the grave. There’s a bare patch but it isn’t in an unusual spot, and it’ll be fine until I can get more bushes. There’s nothing left behind inside Calli’s cabin, but I find my stolen ATV parked around the side. I guess we know how she got here now.

The pain only gets worse and more concerning. There’s no denying I’m going to have to get checked out. I’m not going to let Calli find me dead of a heart attack after all this.

When I walk back into my living room, she’s standing by the coffee table where the blood pressure monitor that I forgot to put away sits. She looks from it to me. “Are you alright?”

“I’m going to be...but I need to go to the hospital.” It’s a hard thing to tell her when she must already be overwhelmed. “My chest hurts.”

She rushes over to me. “Are you dizzy or anything?”

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