Page 20 of Slut Shamed

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Chapter Six


How dare he pull that shit on me? We were having such a good time. Being with Nick is easy and fun, with no drama or arguments. So why did he have to insist we make it something more?

Puffbutt wags his hind end at me as I let myself in, then whines to go outside. “It’s raining, Puffy. Better make it fast,” I tell him, attaching his leash. He barely takes three steps away from the porch before peeing and running back to me. He’s not a fan of the rain either.

Anger simmers under my skin as I shower and throw on an oversized tee shirt to sleep in. Cuddling up under my comforter, I flip the television to some mindless sitcom just for company. Being alone has never bothered me, but the place feels strangely empty tonight. It’s stupid. It’s not like we spent every night together, so I shouldn’t notice his absence an hour after he drops me off. I guess it’s because I know I won’t be seeing him again.

Puffbutt seems to sense my melancholy and crawls up beside me, resting his head on my stomach. “Things will look better in the morning,” I mumble. Thunder rumbles overhead and the windows rattle from the wind as I drift into a restless sleep.

My phone chimes, waking me, and I feel a jolt of excitement expecting it to be Nick. My half asleep brain catches up when I check my phone and see it’s just a scam texting me about some giveaway. I forgot I wouldn’t be hearing from him again. Whatever. No big deal. There are plenty of men out there. I’m not going to obsess over one.

I still feel a heaviness in my chest that’s unfamiliar to me, so I need to get up, shake it off and cheer myself up. I turn on some of my favorite music and dress in a two piece swimsuit, throwing a tank top and shorts on over it.

Nothing makes me feel better than a few hours lying in the sun and I haven’t been to the pool in quite a while. I’m sure I can get Mallory or Jani, maybe even Becca to come along. That’s the best part of living on Violent Circle. You’re never really alone.

A strange sound from my front yard draws me over to the window. What in the blue hell is going on out there?

Hooking Puffbutt to his leash, I lead him outside. Yeah, I’m totally just taking my dog out, not being nosy. Not that I need a false premise. Half the neighborhood is starting to emerge at the screechy, godawful sound of someone singing.

Dennis is in the yard just outside Mallory’s apartment and unless I’ve gone mad overnight and started hallucinating, he’s wearing a baby blue tux. With ruffles. A Bluetooth speaker is on the ground beside him. I guess a boombox held over his head would’ve been too retro.

Mallory steps out on her porch. “Dennis! Have you completely lost your shit? Get the hell out of here!”

“Baby, I know I messed up, but I love you! I want you back! Just listen!”

He drops to his knees in the grass and resumes singing.

I can’t even watch. The second hand embarrassment is too much. Becca and Denton stop their car as they’re driving by, then pull over to park and stare in horror as well as he squalls out the lyrics to Reunited. The cheesiest song in the history of love songs. Jani and Noble have now stepped out on their porch too.

“Dennis, you’re humiliating yourself and embarrassing me. Get your drunk ass out of here!”

He gets to his feet. “I’m not drunk.” The way he sways on his feet disputes that, but he catches his balance quickly. “I love you and I want you back.”

The whole neighborhood seems to draw a collective breath as Mallory’s door opens again and Mitch steps out in nothing but boxers, his hair a mess. It takes a moment for Dennis to realize the implications and you can see his expression change the second it does.

“You son of a bitch!” Dennis screams. “You fucked my wife!” He runs and tackles Mitch, and they tumble off the porch and onto the grass.

“I’m not your wife! Get off of him!” Mallory screams, taking off her house slipper and chucking it at Dennis’s head. She has killer aim because the rubber smacks him in the face with a loud thwack, giving Mitch a moment to punch him in the jaw, then shove him away. Mitch gets to his feet, grass and mud clinging to him, and yanks up his boxers.

Dennis tries to go for him again, but Noble and Denton both step in. Noble hooks his arms around Dennis’s arms, holding him back. “Dude, do you want to go back to jail? Because you know someone has called the cops by now.”

That’s probably not true. Unless someone is really getting hurt, most of us tend to let people settle their own differences without adding an arrest to their problems.

“That dirty manboob having son of a bitch fucked my wife!”

A snort of laughter makes me realize Jani and Becca have both made their way over to stand beside me. Puffbutt revels in the attention as Jani bends to pet him while the scene plays out. Mallory talks Mitch into going back inside and threatens to call the cops if Dennis doesn’t leave.

Dennis fumes, standing by his car, a bright red zigzag pattern standing out on his cheek from the slipper attack while Noble and Denton try to talk some sense into him. He’s pissed that he not only has to leave, but they won’t let him drive. I guess one DUI wasn’t enough for him. Finally, Denton walks up to us.

“I’m going to drive the moron home. Do you have your house key, babe?” he asks Becca.

“I’m good,” she says, laughing.

Once they pull away, the neighbors disperse. Nothing to see here. Just another day on Violent Circle.

I take Puffbutt back inside and text Mallory to make sure she’s okay. My phone chimes almost instantly.

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