Page 13 of Slut Shamed

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Chapter Four


“Don’t you even think about going inside, woman!” Mallory calls out from where she and Jani sit on her step. They just watched Nick drop me off, so I knew I wasn’t going to get away with that.

“We need details!” Jani exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.

Laughing, I unlock my door and let Puffbutt inside. “Give me a minute to feed my dog.” I’m inside just long enough to dump some food in his bowl and freshen his water before heading back out.

I take a seat in the lawn chair beside Mallory’s porch. “I only have a minute. Mitch is having a bonfire and I need to get ready.”

Jani blinks and grins at me. “Get ready? Half the neighborhood will be in sweats and you’ll be lucky if the frat hell guys wear a shirt.” She points at me. “Your silver fox is coming back, isn’t he?”

“Silver fox?”

Jani raises her eyebrows. “That salt and pepper beard is sexy as fuck. If I didn’t have Noble, I’d have to find me a mature guy. Whew.”

“He’s forty-five. Ten years older than me,” I confess.

Jani flaps her hand at me. “Doesn’t matter. That man is hot. Tell me he’s good in bed.”

They both chuckle at my instant grin, and I feel like I’m back in high school. “There’s something to be said for experience.”

Mallory paces in front of me. “I’ve decided I’m ready to get laid. So, have either of you used those dating apps before? Can you teach me?”

I’m not sure how many men over fifty would be on those apps but there’s no way I’m saying no. “I used to use them, but be warned, the men lie like crazy. I got so many dick pics that did not match the actual thing. I deleted them when I got tired of being cockfished.”

“It’s not a bad place if you’re just looking for a hookup though,” Jani says. “I can help you make a profile.”

“Thanks. I haven’t had to date in almost twenty years. It’s so different now.”

“It is,” I agree. “Have you heard anything from Dennis since he got arrested last night?”

“His cousin called to tell me he got released on his own recognizance this morning. Had the nerve to ask me to take him in. I feel sorry his cousin got saddled with him, but I’m free and staying that way.”

“Good for you,” Jani exclaims.

Stretching, I get to my feet. “Okay, I need a hot shower. I’ll see you two later.”

Puffbutt is asleep on my bed and he doesn’t budge as I look through my drawers for something comfortable, but that won’t look like I’m trying too hard. Jani was right. It doesn’t get more casual than a Violent Circle bonfire.

I finally decide to wear a lacy lingerie set under a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Tomboy on the outside, girly underneath. It doesn’t take me long to take a bath and dry my hair, letting it hang in loose waves around my face. I grab a quick bite because I’ll probably end up having a few drinks again tonight and two nights in a row isn’t usual for me. I don’t want to get sick.

A text lights up my phone on the counter and I feel my heart leap. What the hell was that? I don’t get all giddy over a text, for hell’s sake. But I know it’s him, and the memory of him making me come with one damn stroke of his tongue flashes through my head. One lick Nick has gotten into my head.

Nick: Be there in five

Me: I’ll be ready

Puffbutt’s head lifts when he sees me pick up his leash. “Come on, I’m going to be gone for a few hours, so let’s see if you need to pee first.”

His little feet pad across the floor and he stands still as I hook him to the leash. He is such a sweet little guy. I have no idea why someone would dump him the way they did. Monsters.

Half the neighborhood is out as I lead him around to the corner of my yard and let him spray the grass. Denton and his new girlfriend, Becca walk by, giving me a wave. That girl must be brave, living with the frat guys.

As I let Puffbutt back inside and remove his leash, Nick pulls in and parks, gesturing to me to come outside.

“Hey, I brought some stuff for your neighbor, but I couldn’t remember what apartment Mitch said she lived in.”

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