Page 5 of The Hook Up

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As soon as the words had left my mouth, I regretted them. It wasn’t what I meant to say. Hell, it wasn’t what I meant to think, but seeing her like that, in nothing but a towel, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness. Or maybe it was jealousy. I don’t want anyone else to see her like that.

I wince as I remember what I said to her and her reaction. Her green eyes had flashed and her hip had popped out at that and part of me had loved to see her sassiness. I’d like to say that I was only so harsh because it’s been a long day and I just wanted to go to bed, but I’ve never been great with people so even if I was well rested, I’m pretty sure that I would have still messed it up.

I push off of the door as the music turns on next door, quieter this time. I walk over to the windows and slam them closed before I head upstairs to the bedroom.

The room is bare, with just a mattress on the floor and a couple of boxes stacked against the wall. It’s a far cry from the way I remember the house looking when I was a kid, passing by on my bike. I used to wonder what it would be like to live in a place like this. Back then, this house might as well have been a palace, a dream that felt completely out of reach to me.

Growing up in the foster system, I never stayed in one place long enough to call it home. Most of the time, I was just trying to keep my head down, avoid trouble, and hope that the next family I ended up with wouldn’t be worse than the last. I learned early on not to get too attached to people or places because nothing ever lasted. Not until I was sixteen and met Ray. He became my foster dad and my family.

But that’s part of why I started flipping houses in the first place. It’s not just about the money, though that’s definitely a big part of it. It’s about taking something broken, something that other people have given up on, and making it whole again.

I pull off my shirt and jeans and toss them aside, sinking down onto the mattress with a groan. The exhaustion from the day is finally catching up with me, and all I want is to close my eyes and forget about the awkward encounter with Auden, but as I lay there in the dark, my mind won’t stop replaying the way she looked at me, the way her green eyes flashed with annoyance at me. She had looked like an angry kitten as she glared up at me, trying her hardest to slam the door in my face.

I wonder if she remembers me at all. Probably not. I was just another face in the crowd back then, too shy and too awkward to ever make an impression, but I remember her. I remember the way she used to laugh with her friends, the way she always seemed to light up a room just by being in it. I had a crush on her for years, but I never worked up the courage to do anything about it. Not that it would have mattered. Even if I had, I’m sure I would have found a way to screw it up.

But things are different now. I’m not the same insecure kid I was back then. Well, not totally. I’ve got my own life, and my own goals, and I’m not looking for anything to get in the way of that.

Still, there’s a part of me that wonders what if she was interested in me too. What if I hadn’t been so afraid to talk to her back then? What if I hadn’t let all those opportunities slip by because I was too scared of rejection? And now, what if I could somehow find a way to fix things, to start over and actually get to know her this time around?

I let out a sigh and turn over on the mattress, trying to push those thoughts out of my mind. It’s pointless to dwell on the past, especially when I’ve got so much on my plate right now. The house is going to take a lot of work, more than I initially thought, if I’m being honest, and I need to stay focused if I want to get it done on time and turn a decent profit.

But even as I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep, I can’t shake the image of Auden standing in her doorway, her dark brown hair twisted up, that damn towel wrapped around her curvy body.

I wonder if she’s thinking about me too.

Probably not,I tell myself. She probably turned the music down, went back to whatever she was doing, and forgot all about me the minute she closed the door, and maybe that’s for the best, but deep down, I know it’s not going to be that simple.

I’ve always been the kind of guy who overthinks things, who lets his mind run wild with possibilities. And now that Auden is back in my life, even in this weird, unexpected way, I can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason for it. If maybe, just maybe, this is my chance to finally get it right. To finally get my girl.

I roll onto my back, staring up at the dark ceiling. The house creaks around me, settling into the silence of the night. This place is old, full of history and memories, and as much as I try to ignore it, there’s a part of me that feels connected to it, like maybe this house and I are both looking for a fresh start.

As I lie there, I can’t help but think about what tomorrow will bring. I’ll probably run into Auden again. Lilac Harbor isn’t exactly a big town, and now that we’re neighbors, it’s almost inevitable. Maybe next time I’ll manage to not come across like a complete jerk. Maybe next time I’ll manage to have a conversation with her, one that doesn’t end with her slamming the door in my face, or trying to anyway.


With that thought lingering in my mind, I finally start to drift off to sleep, the weight of the day pulling me under. But even in the darkness, even in the quiet of the night, I can’t shake the feeling that everything is about to change. Whether I’m ready for it or not.

And maybe that’s exactly what I need.



The morning sunfilters through the blinds of my bedroom, casting soft patterns across the floor as I pull on a pair of dark blue pants and a crisp white blouse. Today’s the day I meet the new owners, the Montgomery’s, in person and we go over the property and all of my ideas for the remodel.

My heart races with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This project could be a game-changer for my career, and I want everything to be perfect. I need everything to be perfect, for this meeting to go smoothly.

As I grab my bag and head out the door, I can’t help but think about last night. My eyes sneak a peek at the quiet house next door and I glance away quickly, even though there’s no sign of Wade around.

Wade Collins, of all people, popping up on my doorstep after all these years. The surprise of seeing him again was like a jolt to the system and I barely slept last night, my mind replaying the scene over and over. All I could think about was the shock in his eyes when I answered the door in my towel, his attitude aboutme answering the door dressed that way, and the gruff way he spoke to me.

Wade was always a bit of an unknown in high school, keeping to himself. He was the classic quiet and brooding type, but there was something about him that had always drawn me to him. It was like he was a mystery, one that I was desperate to figure out.

And now, here he is, living next door.

I push the thoughts aside as I drive toward the Montgomery property, trying to focus on the task at hand instead of on my sexy new neighbor. This project is my top priority, and I need to be on my game today. But even as I tell myself that, I can’t shake the curiosity gnawing at me.

Who is Wade now? What has he been up to all these years? And why does seeing him again make me feel like a teenager with a crush all over again?

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