Page 20 of The Hook Up

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“Thanks, Ray,” I say, feeling a little more confident. “I appreciate it.”

We hang up, and I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

This is it. Tonight’s the night. I grab my keys and head out the door, determined to make this evening one to remember.

When I head over to Auden’s house at seven on the dot, my heart is pounding in my chest. I knock and then take a few deep breaths to calm myself down., but as soon as I see her step out of the house, all my nerves seem to disappear.

She’s wearing a simple dress that hugs her curves in all the right places, her hair falling in loose waves around her shoulders. She looks beautiful, more than beautiful, really. She looks perfect.

“You look amazing, Auden.”

She smiles back, her eyes sparkling in the fading light. “Thanks, Wade. You clean up pretty well yourself.”

We head over to my truck and I open the passenger door for her, feeling a surge of excitement as she climbs in.

This is it. This is our chance. And I’m not about to waste it.



Prim + Properis beautiful and I can’t help but look around as we follow the maître d over to our table in the back.

“I’ve got it,” Wade says when he moves to pull my chair out for me.

“Very well, sir,” the maître d says and with a slight nod to his head, he leaves us to take our seats.

I smile at Wade, secretly thrilled that he wanted to pull out my own chair for me. I know that it’s kind of caveman, but it also makes me feel so special. No one has ever seen me or treated me the way that Wade does and I find that I love it.

I called Lena and Arlowe as I was getting ready. I was kind of freaking out. This is my first date and I have no idea how to act. Part of me also feels like maybe this was a bad idea. I mean, if things don’t work out, then I’m going to have to see Wade all of the time. It’s not like we’re going to declare our love for each other tonight, so I should try to relax and have some fun.

Lena reminded me that he was always the guy that I had a crush on and that I deserved to give things a try. Arlowe told methat life isn’t all work and that I needed to have some fun. As I eye Wade, I can’t help but think about all of the fun things that we could do together.

Get your mind out of the gutter!I order myself.

“Thanks,” I say as I take my seat.

He nods at me as he takes his own and I smile as I grab my menu.

“This place is nice. Do you take all of your dates here?”

“I don’t date,” he grumbles, sparing me a glance as he looks over his own menu.


“No, there’s never been anyone that I’ve wanted to ask out… except you,” he says.

He doesn’t look up at me when he says that, but I can see the pink starting to stain his cheeks.Is he embarrassed that he’s never dated before?

“Me either,” I admit, and that gets a reaction out of him.

He glances up at me sharply, looking shocked and now it’s my turn to blush.

“Why not? I thought college boys were supposed to be smart,” he blurts out, and I blink.

“I guess… wait, what?”

“Any guy with eyes should be chasing after you. If they were smart, they would be able to see what a catch you are and be desperate to make you theirs.”

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