Page 8 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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I’m closing her trunk and I jump when I realize that Ford is standing on the other side of the car. We haven’t really talked since my shift yesterday.

Things are so weird right now. He spent the second half of my shift at the diner using every excuse he could to touch me. Every time he brushed his hand against my lower back as he scooted past me or tucked some hair behind my ear, a shiver would run down my spine.

I was so turned on by the time I clocked out that I had to run home and grab one of my toys to take the edge off. I ended up imaging it was Ford and screaming his name as I came.

The problem is that I don’t know how to act around him today. I mean, I know that I should be treating him like my boyfriend, especially because my grandma is here, but part of me is holding back. I know that it would be all too easy to fall into that pattern, and it’s going to be hard to stop once our pretend relationship is over.

That’s my greatest fear. That I’m going to fall even more in love with Ford while we’re pretending and it’s going to crush me when it’s over.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask him.

“I wanted to stop by and give you these and say hi to your grandma,” he says, pulling out a gorgeous bouquet of roses from behind his back.

“Oh, thanks. She just got here, actually,” I say as he passes me the bouquet and takes the suitcase from me.

We head up to the house, and I take a deep breath before we walk into the house.

“Well, who is this? Ford Miller, is that you?” Grams asks as he steps inside.

“It sure is, ma’am,” he says, bending down to hug her.

“Oh, I haven’t seen you since I left town! What have you been up to?” She asks.

He sets her suitcase down next to the front door, and then we all sit on the couch.

“Dear, you should put those in some water,” my grandma tells me and I stand, going in search of a vase for my flowers.

I can hear Ford telling my grandma about buying the diner and a place here in town. I fill up the vase and arrange the roses, smiling as I set them on the kitchen counter.

“Cameron was just about to show me her artwork,” Grams says as Ford helps her off the couch.

My stomach drops as I realize what’s about to happen.

“Oh, Ford probably has to be getting to the diner,” I say, but he just smiles.

“Nope. That’s the perk of being the boss. I’ll head in later.”

“Um…” I scramble to come up with a way to stop this, but I’ve got nothing.

“I’d love to see your artwork. It’s been a while,” Ford adds, and I nod.

“Let me just go clean up really quick,” I say, darting back to the art room.

It’s no use though. They’re both right behind me, and as soon as I open the door, they see it.

“Oh! You two really are dating!” My grandma says as she sees all of the paintings of Ford scattered around the room. “I thought you were just faking it to get me off your back.”

“Uh-huh,” I gulp, my face on fire.

I look everywhere but at Ford as they walk around the small room and look at all the paintings. I can feel Ford’s eyes on me, but I keep mine on the floor.

“They’re all so good, Cameron. I love this one,” my grandma says, pointing to a newer painting of the mountains that border this town.


“The ones of your beau are great too,” she adds, and my face flames even hotter.

“Why don’t we go out to lunch?” Ford asks, and my grandma agrees before I can come up with an excuse to say no.

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