Page 16 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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She rolls her eyes, but I can see her biting back a smile.

She seems so relaxed and happy these last few days and I wonder if that’s all because her grandma is here. Or maybe, possibly, she’s happier because we’re together. I mean, I know that I am, but I guess that could just be wishful thinking.

“You look nice,” I lean over and whisper in her ear as the bingo announcer heads to the front of the room. “I meant to tell you that earlier.”

“Uh-huh,” she says like she doesn’t believe me.

“I’m serious. You are always the prettiest girl in any room.”

“You don’t need to say that.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to bingo! We’ll be beginning in just a moment so please take your seats and get ready,” the announcer calls out.

Cameron and I get settled in our seats and she looks over at me as the last few people file into the room and find their seats.

“You look nice too,” she whispers, and I want to ask her to leave with me right now, but it’s too late.

“Let’s get ready to BINGO!” The announcer calls and the crowd cheers.

I drape my arm over the back of Cameron’s chair, my fingers toying with the ends of her pale blonde hair as they draw the first number.

She relaxes back against my arm and I scoot closer to her, until our thighs are touching. We’re silent as the numbers are called and I watch as she marks off a few numbers. She’s close to winning and I smile as I see how excited she gets as she marks off another number.

“Did we ever agree on my deal?” I ask her, and she giggles.


“Pity,” I sigh.

“N63,” the announcer calls, and Cameron gasps, her arms shooting in the air.

“BINGO!” She calls, and I grin, scooting back as she brings her card up to the front of the room to be checked.

“We have a winner! Please clear your board and get ready for the next game,” the announcer says, and I wipe my board clean as Cameron comes back to our table.

“What did you win?” I ask her as she sits down.

“A twenty-five dollar gift card. Donated by Nosh Diner,” she tells me.

Our eyes meet and we both start to laugh.

“Ready to begin?” The announcer asks, and we both try to contain ourselves as the next game starts.

We play for the next two hours, but neither of us wins again. We find Fran when it’s over and walk out with her friends. Cameron ends up giving the gift card to Mrs. Abbot and we wave to them as we head over to her car.

“Well, that was so much fun! Wasn’t it?” Fran asks as we climb into the car.

“Yeah, it was a blast,” I agree.

“And Cameron! You won!”

“I did,” she says as she backs out of the parking spot.

“You two looked so cute back there together,” she adds.

“We always look cute together,” I say, and Fran pats my shoulder.

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