Page 14 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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“So, about this next painting,” he starts as he sets my food down in front of me.

“I really haven’t been painting much, and I can’t with my grandma here since she’s staying in the art room.”

“Why haven’t you been painting?” He asks. “Really.”

I grab a fry, stuffing it in my mouth to avoid answering him. The truth is that some of the joy was sucked out of painting when I came back to Wolf Valley.

“I… I failed at it,” I whisper, and he frowns.

“What? No, you didn’t. You’re so fucking talented, Cameron. You always have been.”

“I left and couldn’t make a living at it,” I point out, and he scoffs.

“You barely tried. You weren’t gone for long, and I read that the art industry is one of the hardest to break into.”

“You read, huh?” I ask, trying to change the subject to something lighter.

“Yeah, I did. After you left, I started reading up on it.”

“Why?” I blurt out.

“Cameron!” Nikki calls, and Ford and I both turn to see her in the doorway.

“You have a guest,” she says with a smile.

“I should get back to work,” I murmur, standing.

“Your food.”

“I’ll just take it home and eat it later.”

I grab my plate, tossing it in a to-go box and sticking it in the employee fridge. I hurry past Ford and out to the dining area. I spot my grandma right away and I smile as I make my way towards her.

“There she is! With her beau,” my grandma says and I glance over my shoulder to see Ford right on my heels.

“Hello again,” he greets her.

She’s with her friends, and I say hello to all of them before I grab my notepad to take their order.

“You two are finally together?” Mrs. Warren asks, and Ford wraps his arm around my waist.

“Sure are,” he confirms.

“Well, it’s about time!” Mrs. Abbot shouts.

She’s half deaf so I don’t blame her, but I still wince at the volume.

“That’s what I said!” My grandma says, and the women all share a laugh. “Don’t they make a cute couple?”

“So cute. You two look as pretty as a picture together!” Mrs. Warren says.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Ford says, and I smile.

“Thanks. Can I get you ladies something to drink?”

“Just waters, dear,” my grandma orders.

I turn to grab their drinks, leaving Ford there with them. I can see him charming all of them and smile as I watch him.

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