Page 10 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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“You can ride up front, Grams,” Cameron says, helping her into the seat.

“Is that burger stand still open up the street?” Fran asks, and I nod.

“Sure is.”

“Oh, let’s go there.”

“You got it,” I tell her.

I open Cameron’s door for her, and she smiles as she climbs into the backseat. Everything feels so perfect as I head over to the driver’s side and climb behind the wheel. I wonder if Cameron can feel it too, how easy being together is.

I pull into the parking lot of Backyard Burgers a few minutes later and try to park close to the door.

“Want to sit outside?” I ask, and both women nod.

Cameron helps her grandma out of the truck, and I follow them over to a table.

“I haven’t been here in a while,” Cameron says as she takes a menu and looks it over.

“Me either,” I say as I pass a menu to Fran.

We all take a moment to decide what we want to eat, and then our waitress comes over.

“Just a water for me,” Fran says, and Cameron nods.

“Three waters,” I say, and the waitress heads back inside.

“So, how did you two finally come to realize that you liked each other?” Fran asks, and Cameron turns her wide eyes to me.

“Well, I’ve always known,” I admit, and Cameron huffs out a laugh.

“Liar,” she chides me. “We didn’t get together until I started working for him a few weeks ago.”

“I’ve liked you for longer than that, but you had left town, and then when you came back, I barely saw you,” I admit.

Cameron looks shocked, and I turn to Fran.

“But she’s right. I didn’t make my move until a few weeks ago.”

“Took you long enough,” she mutters to me, and I grin.

“Too long,” I agree.

The waitress comes back to take our order, and I wait for Fran to order before I order for Cameron and myself. When I turn back to look at my girl, she looks surprised.

“How did you know that was what I wanted?” She asks, and I smirk at her.

“I know a lot about you.”

“How?” She asks.

“I pay attention.”

Fran is smiling as she looks between the two of us and I wink at Cameron as I grab my water and take a drink.

“How are your dad and brother doing?” Fran asks, and I look away from Cameron to answer her.

“They’re good. My dad had a bit of a health scare earlier this year, but he’s on the mend now.”

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