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I puff out a breath in partial relief. More obstacles will arise, but this one is one I can overcome. I unmute the phone. “First, Tomasso must be at the meeting with you.”

“What? Thinking you can take both of us on your own?”

“Not at all. But if I’m going to die, I want to tell him what I think of him to his face, first.”

“Fine, he’ll want to watch your death, anyway. What else?”

“I get to say a private goodbye to Takeshi and Shinji.”

“I’m no fool. Why would I leave you alone with those two?”

“If you don’t, they’ll ignore the truce I negotiate for you. Not even Katsuo will be able to stop them from hunting you and keeping you barely alive and in constant pain.”

Another pregnant silence fills the air as Paul mulls over my latest demand.

“Your argument has merit. I’ll agree to it. Now?—”

“I’m not done.”

“My generosity is depleting fast.”

“Don’t worry, this is my last request.”

He grunts but allows me to continue.

I glare at Riu, a silent command to remain mute. “Whatever you and Tomasso do to me, leave me intact enough for an open casket when you give them my remains to the Kimuras.”

Riu opens his mouth to protest, and I slice my arm through the air, silencing him. It’s hard enough negotiating my death. I have to block out what my husbands’ reactions will be when they discover what I’ve done and what I’m hiding. I can’t dwell on the life growing inside me, or the fact I’ll never hear my child call me Mommy.

I silence everything because I could never live in a world where Shinji and Takeshi make the ultimate sacrifice and leave me to live without them. Especially since there’s no guarantee I’ll survive this pregnancy. How can I abandon them when theyhave a chance at life? And if they’re alive, they can find someone to fill the hole I leave behind.

I beat back all the dreams I allowed myself to dream these past weeks, and say, “And in case you think you can fool me by agreeing, only to destroy all existence of my body, giving the Kimura family my corpse is non-negotiable. They’ll expect my body. My whole body.”

“Fucking bitch.”

“Yes, I know. Do we have an agreement?” I hold my breath, waiting for him to call my bluff.

I don’t have the leverage to negotiate for two families, but I’ll do everything in my power to bring my husbands to safety.

“Call once Kimura and Oliveri officially agree to the truce.” Paul disconnects, but his anger spices the air.

Or maybe the heat is coming from Riu. Lord knows his glare can scorch a skillet pan.

“May I speak now,Kimura-san?”

“Sure, you can blister my ears on our way to Katsuo’s.”

During the short ride to Katsuo’s house, Riu does his best to discourage me from my current course. I listen with half an ear, my mind racing with loopholes and schemes. Despite my resolve to face death with dignity, I can’t squelch the hope kindling in my breast. And if I can’t defeat my own optimism, I’ll have to plan to satisfy it.

Before the car rolls to a full stop, I jump out without waiting for Riu. At the door, I bang hard and repeatedly, disregarding the young children sleeping inside.

Katsuo swings the door open, his aura emitting a murderous intent until he sees my panic.

“They took them. They have Takeshi and Shinji.” I storm past him and head to his home office.

“Impossible. They’re in Felicidad finishing what you started.”

I stumble at his revelation and swing around to face Katsuo. “Felicidad?” I shake my head. With everything going on, I cannot deal with the news that they left Serenidad without me. Not after Paul. “Is that how they were caught?”

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