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Finally, Takeshi and I reach her. I launch myself at her, using my body to cover her as we fall to the ground.

Before the dust settles, a man leaps out of the rear of the car. “Zio Tomasso, they’re hitting everywhere. The warehouses, safe houses, shipping containers, clubs, everything. We have to leave.”

Lakeshia’s earlier shaking returns, but worse. This is no gentle tremor but a ten-point magnitude earthquake.

“P-p-paul?” Lakeshia’s voice is a hoarse rasp and her eyes begin to cloud over.

Paul? The motherfucker who raped her? I stare at him, memorizing his features and envisioning them frozen in a pain-filled mask.

“Not before we kill that bitch.” Tomasso points at us, circling the car and storming toward us.

Takeshi shoots at him, stopping him from nearing us. “Not happening. You two have a lot to answer for, and I’ll make sure Lakeshia gets the revenge she deserves.”

“Lakeshia? Don’t you mean Sheila?” Paul raises his voice above the din. “After what you did to me, you have the goddamn nerve to show your face you fucking bitch! The only person getting revenge is me.”

He stalks forward but another figure exits the car, yelling at both men. “Don Tomasso, they hit Vegas. We’re hemorrhaging faster than sifting water and we need to leave. So end this now or everything the Giamettis built will disappear overnight.”

Tomasso rears back. “They—Paul.” He grabs his nephew. “We’ve got to leave this instant. Now that she’s surfaced, shewon’t be able to hide from us again.” Tomasso drags Paul toward the car that’s already in motion. The three men leap inside.

Takeshi empties his guns but misses the vital parts of the vehicle to stop it. “How’s Lakeshia?”

She hasn’t stopped trembling and her eyes have the same faraway expression from when we questioned Tomasso’s man.

“Not good. And things won’t change the longer those assholes walk this earth.” I rise and retrieve the hard case with the rocket launcher.

I assemble it quickly, glad the flying bullets have died down.

Tomasso’s vehicle moves at an ungodly speed, but the smoke cloud they’ve kicked up makes it easier to aim.

“Aim to disable, not kill.” Takeshi helps Lakeshia stand.

“Why? We could end this now with one hit.” I heft the weapon onto my shoulder and aim through the scope.

“Look at her, Shinji! Killing them now won’t help her. Don’t you find it odd she’s said nothing since Paul appeared?”

I glance at her and freeze. The confident woman who never allows fear to stop her from pursuing her goals has almost disappeared in front of my eyes. Takeshi is right. I have to swallow my disappointment. I look through the scope of the launcher, but I’m too late. They’re out of range.

I slide the weapon off my shoulder. “Take her back to the hotel. I’ll wrap up here and talk to Gio.”

“You’re sure?”

I nod. “Right now, you’re the best able to get her out of this state. I’ll join you when I’m done.”

Takeshi’s mouth thins. “Be careful. I won’t hesitate to punish you for getting hurt.”

I shake my head with a chuckle. “There isn’t much danger left. All Tomasso’s remaining men are dead.”

“Still…” He stares off in the direction Tomasso is headed. “He might have reinforcements lying in wait. Be vigilant.”

“I will. After all, I have two very important reasons to make it back in one piece.” I glance between my disassociating wife and concerned husband.

He’s not alone in his fears. The sooner we get Lakeshia back, the sooner we can discuss how we’ll move forward after today’s events.

Takeshi squeezes my shoulder, his strength a silent reassurance and commiseration. “Come on chiisai senshi no megami. Let’s get you to safety.” He leads Lakeshia towards the rear of the compound where we hid the cars.

I watch them until they disappear before turning my attention to the men carrying bodies out of the building. They line them up in two rows. Meanwhile, other men take the corpses of Tomasso’s men, lying dead by the immobilized cars, into the building.

Although Gio provided his men, he won’t take their deaths lightly. I snap pictures of everyone for my records. These are men in arms, worthy of being recognized for their sacrifice, be they Kimuras or Oliveris. Once we clear our people from the building, leaving only Tomasso’s men behind, I heft the rocket launcher over my shoulder.

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