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“At a minimum. Shinji and I have healthy appetites and you’ll have both of us to satisfy.”

“So these won’t be quick, slam-bam-thank-you-ma’am fuckings?”

“If the situation calls for it, sure, but don’t expect it to be the standard.”

“I’d like to make a stipulation if I agree to enter this agreement with you. These insemination sessions will only occur during my ovulation window.”

Shinji and Takeshi glance at each other, then begin a heated debate as if I’m no longer in the room. I try to listen in but the motherfuckers aren’t even speaking English anymore.

Takeshi pats Shinji’s knee and Shinji relaxes within his loose hold. “We can add it to the agreement,” Takeshi says.

A twitch at the corner of his mouth puts me on guard. His sincerity seems authentic, but I don’t trust his amusement.

I don’t hide my skepticism from them. It’s all in the narrow-eyed glare I send their way. “Since we agree on sex during ovulation, there’s no need for this clause about me sleeping with you two every night. We can limit it to insemination nights.”

Shinji surges forward as if to protest, but Takeshi’s hand on his chest stalls him. “Non-negotiable.”

I wait for an explanation. Silence ticks by making it apparent that Takeshi will not elaborate on his response. I break down and ask, “Why? Every married couple needs one-on-one time. I’ll be in the way.”

“You’ll need to get used to us, see how we interact together and apart. Once we confirm your pregnancy, we’ll need reassurance about your progress. Don’t worry about Shinji and me, we’ll get what we need from each other. However, the three of us will sleep together at night.”

I get the sense he’s leaving something out in his list of reasons, but I don’t push. Not knowing what’s got my intuition on high alert means I don’t know what to ask. Whatever Takeshi is withholding from me, my instincts are telling me it won’t endanger me.

I pick up the document and start walking in circles around the room while my thoughts run amok in my head. “Sex will be with both of you every time? We’ll be on a schedule?”

“I’d prefer if we did things a little more organically,” Shinji says. “There will be times it’s you and Takeshi, me and you, or all three of us. I know I’ll want to watch while Takeshi fucks you with no need for a turn.” Shinji whips his head around for a silent communication with Takeshi.

“I’m on board.” Takeshi’s voice is thick and his eyes heat as he watches his husband.

What is he picturing? An image of myself trapped between his stare and Shinji’s embrace unfolds in my mind. My breathing deepens and my skin prickles with goosebumps. I rub my arms to dispel the arousal and to hide my stiffened nipples. Any sane person would run from this arrangement, yet here I am contemplating all the wrong things.

Like, will they demand to come inside me every time? How will Shinji’s hair feel fanned against my skin? Will Takeshi let me ride his face and make a mess of his mustache and beard before letting me lick him clean? Damn, I need to focus.

We continue to discuss their terms and I go down the list of questions I’d jotted on the papers they gave me. They do not budge on most items, but I do get one other concession out of them.

“I want to be the one to end the life of my enemy,” I say.

Takeshi’s body tenses, his nostrils flare, and he pinches his lips. Shinji says something to him in soothing Japanese, which works to clear Takeshi’s agitation.

“As long as you aren’t pregnant, we can agree to your terms.” Takeshi rises and heads to my bedroom. “We’re going to see my cousin Masanori.”

“Why?” I follow behind him.

Takeshi begins packing my suitcase. He folds my clothes with more precision than an engineer.

Despite the curious looks I’m likely to receive, I retrieve the only item that has never left my side since my twelfth birthday, my only remaining connection to my parents.

Shinji’s and Takeshi’s gazes follow me to the bed as I unearth my baby blanket from under the covers. To a stranger, the unevenly stitched, misshapen cotton blanket with its faded colors isn’t worth treasuring.

Nevertheless, no amount of money will convince me to give it up. Some may consider it cursed. After all, my mom went intolabor while finishing the last stitch and she never made it home. Then my father died while retrieving it for me when we should have been running for our lives. These traumatic events don’t matter in the long run. Without my blanket close at hand during the night, sleep eludes me.

“Masanori oversees all Kimura legal enterprises, including the Serenidad branch of our law firm,” Shinji responds, going to the weapons Takeshi confiscated.

As he packs away each item, I run an inventory in my head. I really had no chance against them. Takeshi found every weapon in my arsenal. I’m lucky they need something from me or else I’d be dead right now.

Maybe having two men used to this life watching out for me won’t be such a bad idea after all. I doubt anyone will get the drop on me with these two in the same room with me while I sleep.

I glance sharply at Takeshi but I can’t glean what he truly thinks about me. He furrows his brow, betraying his concentration as he handles my panties and bras.

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