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I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Now’s not the time to dwell on the past.

“Let’s go. Gio’s waiting on us.” Takeshi disconnects his call and pockets the phone.

Lakeshia pouts as she disengages from the clinging kittens. Before we leave, she relays the feeding instructions to the guard we leave behind.

When she’s no longer within earshot, I whisper to him, “If anything happens to these kittens, save me the trouble andkill yourself before we return. It’s the only way to guarantee a painless death.”

He gulps. “Hai.”

I join Takeshi after issuing my warning and he steers us toward the elevator, wheeling a small suitcase behind him.

We get off on the sixtieth floor. Thick carpeting muffles our footsteps as we approach the only double doors. A man in a black suit waits for us at the entrance.

Takeshi and I have been here many times before during negotiations and other business deals with Gio. It’s the hotel’s private dining, only open to the hotel’s VIP clientele and available for reservation once a day.

The maitre d’ leads us inside toward the wall of windows overlooking the city. Tropical waters serve as a backdrop to skyscrapers, lush palm trees, and Spanish-style single-family homes.

Gio sits at a table facing the view. His enforcer, Zo, stands slightly behind him and to the side. The man is my opposite in many ways. Where I enjoy conversation, he treats words like a precious commodity. He’s worse than Katsuo. Despite his reticence, I’ve always admired him for his work ethic and dedication.

“Glad you made it here in one piece.” Gio waves toward the empty chairs facing him. “I’ve ordered a few items to make things go faster.”

The maitre d’ who’d disappeared upon our arrival at the table, reappears, leading an army of wait staff carrying platters filled with pastries, frittatas, pancakes, breakfast sausages, lox, and a slew of other dishes.

Takeshi pulls out a chair for Lakeshia before seating himself, and I take the chair on her other side.

“Before we begin, we’d like to thank you for your assistance in this matter.” My husband transfers the suitcase to Zo who hands it to Gio.

Gio glances at the luggage. “From Katsuo?”

“And the kids. They miss their cousins and aunt. I’m sure Portia packed some items herself for your little ones.” Takeshi barely contains his amusement at playing courier for the family.

“Will I find any of Kori’s creations inside, too?”

Zo zeroes in on Takeshi as he waits for my husband’s response.

Once Jessie had her triplets, she and Portia decided they wanted their children to establish a familial relationship. Although the Oliveri children outnumber Katsuo’s, they bonded immediately. Even if they hadn’t, once they sat down for one of Kori’s meals, Aunt Portia and Uncle Katsuo’s house became one of their favorite places.

“Of course. Kori also made treats for Figlio.”

Gio, like his kids, fell in love with Kori’s cooking and tries to steal her away from Katsuo during his visits, but he’s failed to entice her each time.

“Good.” Gio nods at Zo, who slides a slightly larger suitcase to Takeshi. “The kids can’t wait to see everyone this summer. Until then, they collected a few things from Felicidad for everyone.”

Takeshi accepts the gifts. “I’m sure they’ll terrorize Katsuo and Portia until your next visit.”

Gio nods, then snaps his napkin and lays it over his lap.

We take it as a sign to serve ourselves. While everyone eats, Takeshi asks, “How’d you get Tomasso to agree to a meeting?”

“He approached me without realizing the Oliveris and Kimuras are allied through marriage and not just business interests. After Katsuo explained your situation,” Gio stares at Lakeshia, a furrow creasing his brow, “I thought accommodatinghim with a sit down would be the most expedient way of getting rid of a future nuisance.”

“Oh?” I ask.

Gio’s nostrils flare, and his grip on his fork tightens.

Zo answers, “Tomasso has a reputation for turning on his associates. He can’t be trusted, and the motherfucker thinks he can muscle in and take over Oliveri territory. So this vendetta of yours works in both our favors.”

“Does that mean you’re joining us?” Lakeshia asks.

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