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Shinji joins Lakeshia by the bedside.

“We’re giving them to Katsuo, right?” Our wife glances between me and Shinji who gasps at the idea.

I shake my head, experiencing a moment of déjà vu and already able to predict Shinji’s next reaction.

“Takeshi? I don’t do cats. We can’t keep them.” Panic replaces her confusion and she backs away from the bed.

Tora levels a glare at her from his imperious position on the headboard.

“Chiisai senshi no megami, did you think you hid all the things you’ve bought for Tora ever since you moved in? For someone who doesn’t do cats, there are a lot of toys, treats, and food here.”

“And don’t forget the cat beds,” Shinji interjects. “We already have most of what we need to care for them.”

“You can’t be serious. Shinji, they must be Tora’s kittens. Let him be responsible for them. We shouldn’t encourage him to be a deadbeat dad.”

I cover my mouth to hide the beginnings of a chuckle. This is the only panic Lakeshia should ever experience. On any given day, she’s beautiful and sexy and the epitome of my ideal woman. Now I can add cute to the list because she’s never been more adorable than she is now as she tries to convince Shinji we can’t become cat parents.

“I doubt Tora sired them. Neither of them has a black spot,” I point out.

Lakeshia glares at me for my unsolicited observation, and it takes everything in me to keep a straight face.

Shinji picks the two kittens up and holds them next to his face while widening his soulful eyes and pouting at Lakeshia. “Please, can we keep them? They’ll be a great addition to our family. And think how protective they’ll be of our kids when we have them.”

Lakeshia silently implores me with a helpless furrow of her brow.

I shake my head. “Don’t look to me for help. You’ve known from day one I won’t deny Shinji anything he wants, but I dare you to try when he’s like this.”

“Takeshi!” Lakeshia’s frustration leaks through and she jolts as if she’s stopping herself from stomping her foot.

I walk over to Shinji, and the solid orange cat wiggles its butt before launching itself at me. I catch it and it climbs my arm to settle on my shoulder before it peers at Lakeshia with its green eyes. Shinji switches his hold of the bicolor kitten to cradle it in his arms.

“Please, Lakeshia?” As if in harmony with Shinji’s pleas, the kittens meow at Lakeshia until her shoulders slump.

“They’re so tiny. Aren’t you afraid you’ll hurt them?” She asks while slowly closing the distance between us.

Is she even aware she’s moving toward the kittens with her hand outstretched?

“Not even a little. We’ll out-cat-parent every cat parent who came before. Won’t we?” Shinji nuzzles the kitten in his arms.

Meanwhile, the cat on my shoulder that hasn’t stopped staring at Lakeshia gages the distance between us and leaps. It barely makes its destination but manages to dig its claws in her sleeve. She rushes to support the kitten before it falls, but the intrepid animal rallies and scrambles up her body, curls on her breasts, and immediately begins purring.

“I guess he’s a boy,” Shinji grins.

“A boy with good taste,” I add, rubbing the area between its eyes and nose.

“And I’ll bet Shinji’s holding a girl.” Lakeshia shakes her head and succumbs to temptation by petting the little engine on her chest.

From the corner of my eye, Tora leaps from the headboard and onto the floor, soon disappearing through the door.

“I don’t know whether to admire that feline or fear him.” I direct everyone’s attention to the strutting animal as he exits. “I bet he pulled a similar stunt on Katsuo because I never understood why he never got rid of him when he appeared out of the blue.”

“I don’t know. I doubt anyone stands a chance when Tora’s made up his mind,” Lakeshia says.

“Much like Katsuo.” I chuckle, realizing my cousin successfully hid that he’s met a foe he couldn’t beat.

“And I’m not convinced these aren’t his kids either,” she adds, twisting her lips, already committed to keeping the cats even if she says otherwise.

“But they’re ours now. Aren’t you? Yes, you are.” Shinji nuzzles his cat.

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