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“Who says we don’t?”

Shinji and I swing our heads to Takeshi. I with my mouth open on a gasp and Shinji with a growing grin on his face.

“You didn’t,” he says, despite the hope in his voice clearly wishing Takeshi had.

Takeshi rolls his eyes. “I don’t know who you take me for. Although I didn’t plan everything that happened just now, I damn sure planned a ring.”

He rolls to his other side and removes a jewelry box from the nightstand. He returns to us and opens the ring box. “This is a special design that represents the three of us and our hopes for our future, meanwhile working to protect you.”

Lying on a satin bed is a five-carat kite-cut center diamond surrounded by willowy vines and clusters of other gemstones I’m less familiar with.

He pulls the ring out of the box and Shinji splays my hand in readiness for Takeshi to slip the band on my finger.

“The center gem is a diamond, representing our everlasting love.” Takeshi slides the ring over my knuckle. “The emerald is a visionary stone that fends off evil energy, protects, and providesinsight. Just like how Shinji knew upon meeting you, you were meant for us.”

I swallow at the accuracy of Takeshi’s observation. Shinji is the reason I’m doing the work to heal the wounds I’ve neglected my whole life.

“The lapis lazuli symbolizes strength, courage, and truth. All characteristics you embody once you put your trust in others. You’ve had to overcome a lot, and Shinji and I are in awe of the woman you’ve become despite your circumstances.”

“I couldn’t have picked out a more perfect stone for her if I tried.” Shinji kisses my fourth finger now adorned with my wedding ring.

I blink away tears, humbled by their opinion of me and a little guilty that I don’t fully embody the truthfulness of the gemstone. But I intend to. That should count for something.

I clear my throat. “And you? Where are you represented on my ring?”

Takeshi takes my hand and rubs the ring. “I’m the black tourmaline.” He spears me with a fierce glance. “The ultimate shield. I’ll stand between you and every threat, even if the danger comes from inside.” He touches my forehead then the area above my heart. “You are mine to protect with every breath in my body. And to pull it all together is the black gold band as unique as our relationship and a match to my and Shinji’s rings.”

I sob at his declaration. “I don’t know why I’m always so weepy when you show me how much you care for me, but I’m so happy I didn’t kill Shinji the day I knocked him unconscious.”

“What?” Takeshi and Shinji say at the same time before bursting into laughter.

“I’m serious.” I shove at both men. “If I hadn’t left you alive, we would never have met again.”

“And you wouldn’t have shot Takeshi.” Shinji winks at me.

“Must you remind me?” Takeshi dryly responds.

“But it’s true.” I shift my gaze between my two husbands.Husbands!The title fills me with more excitement than I’ve ever allowed myself. “Because without that day, we wouldn’t have found the pieces of each other we complete. And I don’t know about you, but I’m never going back to the person I was without you two.”

I pull at them until they rest their heads beside mine. For minutes or hours, I lose track, we exchange kisses and caresses while we admire our rings and the future they represent.

My body begins to heat again, but I stop them before we progress too far. “I need to tell you what happened earlier.”

Shinji and Takeshi share a glance. “If you aren’t ready, we can wait.”

“I am. I swear. I just needed a reminder of our connection first.”

“Okay, tell us what happened.” Takeshi brushes my hair behind my ear.

I nod and confess what precipitated my blackout, confident my husbands won’t condemn me for withholding Tomasso’s connection to my ex. By the time I finish my explanation, exhaustion drags at my eyelids. Before they close for the night, I catch Shinji and Takeshi sharing a glance, but I’m too tired to ask what they’re planning.



“Everything is set for tonight.” Ichiro rounds the desk to stand behind me. “I’ve emailed the details to everyone using an encrypted server.”

“Good work. Why don’t you take off until we need to regroup in a few hours?”

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