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“My choice,” Takeshi repeats, “Is to feel my husband’s dick rocking against mine as we fuck our wife together.”

My heart seizes, and I snap to catch Shinji’s reaction.

His radiant smile almost blinds me. “Damn, right! It’s about goddamn time you claimed her properly.” Shinji grabs my head and slams my mouth on his, fulfilling Takeshi’s edict.

A whirlwind whips through my entire body, disabling my ability to process what just happened.Wife?Each time I land on the word, Shinji and Takeshi distract me with another caress or another soul-shattering kiss.

Takeshi now has three fingers in my pussy. A pleasant burn accompanies his entry into my body.

Shinji releases my mouth to nibble my neck and massage my breast. “This…this is only one of the million ways we’re meant to love each other. Please don’t fight it. Accept us.”

Takeshi’s body blankets me. “I need a response, too. Do you accept us and everything we’re demanding of you right now?”

Do I have a choice? My heart says no, and if I can’t trust the organ responsible for keeping me alive, how can I trust anything? “Yes, I accept you and everything you’re asking of me. My love for you demands nothing less.”

“Good answer.” Takeshi places himself at my opening and Shinji stills to welcome our third. “Remember to breathe.” Takeshi pushes inside me, gently breaching me.

I gasp at the sensation. Pleasure and pain combine as my body stretches to accommodate another hungry beast. ButTakeshi doesn’t rush. Despite his tight grip on my hips hinting at how close to the edge of his control he is, he doesn’t ram his way forward.

Bit by bit, he advances until he’s fully seated. His breath peppers the skin on my jaw. “Take Shinji’s hands and hold them beside his head.”

Once I complete my task, Takeshi reaches over my shoulders, overlaying his hands on ours.

“This is us.” He thrusts inside me, which urges Shinji to withdraw slightly. “I bind myself to you so tightly nothing will ever separate us. No hardships, pain, or death. My future belongs to you and Shinji and no one else. I’ve tattooed your names on my heart more deeply than the tattoos on my back and when I draw my last breath, your names will be the last ones I utter.”

As Takeshi speaks, I sense there is more to his words than living his fullest in the present. He snags my heart with each sentence, binding me as tightly as he binds my hands to his and Shinji’s.

When Shinji stares into my eyes and repeats after Takeshi, I realize what lies under my reaction. These are wedding vows. Words I never thought to exchange with anyone. Even as I accepted my love for these men, I never expected a formal declaration. Deep down, I expected we’d live together without ever defining our relationship. But of course, Takeshi and Shinji have other ideas. They never fail to surprise me.

And despite not having an audience witness our commitment, this is somehow better than anything I could have dreamed of. A traditional wedding would never suit me, but fucking and being fucked by the men I love while they pledge their lives and hearts to me? And they do so while trusting whatever I’m withholding won’t destroy us.

I blink away happy tears as emotions and sensations war inside me. Pleasure, joy, and most of all, love. When Shinji finishes his vow, I recite the same words, changing only one sentence. “Although I don’t have tattoos on my back, your names are also deeply tattooed on my heart, and when I draw my last breath, your names will be the last ones, I utter.”

Takeshi presses his forehead against my spine and shudders. “From this day forward, we aren’t just lovers, we are husbands and wife. And god willing, we’ll start a family that will share in the love we have for each other.”

Shinji captures my lips in another kiss, but he infuses this one with all his hopes and dreams. I can almost touch the vision of us together without the specter of danger over our heads. I cry out, overwhelmed by the beauty of the scene I’m in the center of and the one in my head.

Takeshi and Shinji alternate stroking inside me, hitting areas I’ve never felt. The constant stimulation pushes me closer and closer to an explosion that will destroy and rebuild me stronger from one breath to the next.

“Keishi-kun… I’m so close.”

“Then come, my warubozu. Let’s all come together.” Takeshi pulls on one set of our joined hands and directs them between our bodies. While I stroke their moisture-covered shafts, they take turns teasing my clit.

My moans come faster and faster as the pressure builds. My legs, stretched to accommodate both men, begin to shake. A monstrous wave is heading my way. It’s seconds away from crashing into me and hurtling me into a screaming climax. Before it takes me, Takeshi twists my head around to capture my mouth. He swallows my breath as he and Shinji release their cum inside my eager body.

For endless moments, I milk them, unwilling to separate from them. Never sated with our connection.

Takeshi falls to his side, bringing me with him and turning me on my spine. He peers deeply into my face, searching, maybe ascertaining how well I’m faring. “Did you get what you need?”

“And more,” I whisper with a dazed smile.

He glances toward Shinji, and I follow his gaze. “Although I didn’t intend to exchange vows the way we did, the moment seemed perfect for it.”

“I’m glad we did.” Shinji’s eyes darken for a moment.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

He raises my left hand with his and kisses my fourth finger. “I just wish we had a suitable ring to commemorate the moment.”

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