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“Why revenge?” Takeshi asks.

Although his arm surrounds his husband’s shoulders, he emits danger. Has been doing so ever since I woke up to find him with my stockpile of weapons.

“Because everything I do is for that aim.”

“We’ll do it,” Shinji says.

“Shinji, we don’t even know who she’s after.”

“I don’t care. It’s what she needs to give me what I want.”

“I’ve spoiled you too much.”

A devilish smile spreads across Shinji’s face and he whispers something to Takeshi. The only evidence that his husband’s words affect Takeshi is the slight flare of his nostril and the tightened skin around his jaw.

“Fine.” Takeshi turns to me. “We’ll help you seek revenge and you’ll give us a baby.”

I quiet my reservations and nod my agreement. Any sacrifice is worth doing to end my father’s murderers.

Takeshi stands and retrieves a briefcase I hadn’t noticed until now. Inside are papers that look like legal documents. “We have terms. Look over these documents. We’ll address any concerns you have.” He hands me a contract.

“No gentleman’s handshake?” I joke.

He nods at the papers in my hand. Shinji now sits at the edge of his seat.

“Are you trying to hide something in a mountain of legalese?”

“Read it and you’ll see it is all in easy-to-understand English.” Takeshi resumes his seat, his posture more relaxed than when he’d issued his threat to take my life. He pulls Shinji into his chest and rests his hand around Shinji’s waist as if offering him silent support.

My instincts scream that they are up to something. That agreeing to carry their baby isn’t as simple as it sounds. I retrieve a pen so I can formulate questions about anything fishy I see in the document.

I begin to read.

The first stipulation has me glaring up at them, but neither betrays their thoughts. As I continue reading, one thing becomes clear: they’re insane.

I go through the entire document, jotting notes and questions as I go before setting it down on the table in front of me. “Which stipulations are non-negotiable?”

“All.” Takeshi’s words ring in my ear like a church bell’s last notes.

“But you’re…and you can’t expect me to…”

“I don’t. Shinji does.”

I turn incredulous eyes on Shinji. “Why?”

“I want Takeshi and I to have an equal chance at fathering our child.”

“But you’re gay…aren’t you?”

“Not in the least.” Shinji’s revelation floors me. From everything I’d heard about the couple, their commitment to each other was absolute.

Ten seconds pass before I recover from the bomb he dropped. “That doesn’t require us to have sex to make it happen.”

“I require it.” His eyes heat as he peruses me. “And from what we saw and heard before you came so hard you woke yourself up, you aren’t too averse to fucking us, either.”

Heat blossoms in my face. Sex doesn’t embarrass me, but knowing they witnessed the most erotic wet dream I’ve ever had does. The memory alone causes my clit to throb with renewed need.

I clear my throat. “Don’t you think this three times a day is excessive?”

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