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I swallow the lump of desire and groan when she squeezes her walls around my dick while twisting her hips. “Between you and Shinji, I don’t know who will be the death of me.”

“At least you’ll enjoy every second on your way out.” She winks before turning her head toward the door. “Join us Shinji. It’s been too long since the last time I tasted you.” She holds a hand out to my husband who eagerly strips to unite with us.

The seconds she takes to invite Shinji provide me enough clarity to respond. I lean toward her ear and whisper, “Whether you or I hold the reins to your surrender, you will forever be my chiisai senshi no megami.”



The dark aura surrounding Lakeshia and Takeshi—and me to some extent—has finally dissipated. My limbs are no longer heavy and I don’t dread going through the day to find my loves isolating themselves in their pain.

Ever since coming home to see Lakeshia’s surrender amid Takeshi’s praises, our relationship has been less strained. And I, for one, am fucking over the moon about it. Lakeshia has a long way to go to fully deal with what her ex did to her. And Takeshi and I have to let her heal before pushing her into giving us a name. My husband is more patient than I am, but, for Lakeshia’s sake, I’m learning.

Lakeshia’s ex, whoever he is, is not long for this earth.

“Your trip to Texas has finally paid off.”

I snap my head to Takeshi who has a satisfied grin on his face. He watches the computer screen over Ichiro’s shoulder. I share a glance with Lakeshia joining the two men.

The monitor displays a map of the US with various color-coded pins representing warehouses, safe houses, stashhouses, and residences of Tomasso’s capos. Before Lakeshia’s conversation with Perla, we only had Lakeshia’s intel, but a lot has changed since she gathered the information.

“If Perla hadn’t contacted her john, we wouldn’t know half of these locations or the people Tomasso keeps hidden. We can finally plan the first assault on their?—”

Takeshi’s phone interrupts Lakeshia, dampening her enthusiasm. I commend her patience. To think, for so many years she’s never gotten this close to getting one over on Tomasso, yet a path forward is at her fingertips and she has to wait while Takeshi takes a call. Thankfully, the conversation is brief.

“We have to go.” He pockets his phone and pointedly stares at me then Lakeshia.

Not a good sign.

“Ichiro, we want to strike Tomasso hard and where it hurts the most. When we return, I want a list of targets we should focus on first.” Takeshi nods toward the door and leads us to the garage instead of calling for a driver.

Once we clear the house, Lakeshia asks, “Where are we going?”

Takeshi opens the back door for her before answering, “The old house.” His terse response explains his choice of transportation. For long trips, no one has to sit alone in a chauffeured ride. However, driving solo a few miles down the road isn’t much of an inconvenience.

I slide into the passenger seat. “Who was on the phone?”

“Katsuo.” He glances at me before cutting back to the road. “He didn’t divulge much, but he specifically requested Lakeshia’s presence.”

I peer at her from the rear-view mirror. Including Lakeshia is cause for concern. The tightness around her eyes is the only clue to her dismay. I wink at her, as I swallow my misgivings.Whatever lies ahead, Takeshi and I won’t expose her to bullshit, even if it comes from Katsuo.

We pull up to the mansion and Takeshi leads us toward the office on the first floor. Although the home he shares with our ane-san has a home office, he rarely talks business there. Despite being the middle of the day, gloom descends with every footfall the closer we get to our destination. No sign of the weekend lightens the oppressive surroundings. Whatever mood Katsuo is in pervades the hall. My spine tingles in awareness, but what I’m guarding against remains unknown.

His mood could be resentment at leaving his family to deal with work or it could be business-related. Katsuo is a cool mother fucker on the surface, but underneath his calm exterior, he’s an evil asshole, who manifests a hundredfold when anyone or anything interferes with his family time.

We barely enter the room before Katsuo snaps at Lakeshia, “Are you pregnant?” He sits behind his desk, tapping a closed envelope on the surface.

The sun, as if in cahoots with Katsuo’s mood, hides behind a rare cloud, depriving us of sunlight and adding to the dismal atmosphere.

Lakeshia, Takeshi, and I share a glance in the gloomy room, but I can’t read their thoughts.

Do I want her to be nurturing my or Takeshi’s seed right now? Yes, the answer shouts in my head with a desperation only matched by my need to have her and my husband in my life. But with everything she’s going through, Takeshi and I have a silent understanding; we’ll let nature take its course without rushing or pressuring Lakeshia.

“Why is it any business of yours?” Lakeshia challenges instead of answering.

Katsuo glares at me then Takeshi for a silent communication. I’ve always marveled at their relationship. Personally, I loveTakeshi’s voice and would rather talk to him than exchange thoughts in the weird way he does with his cousin.

“It seems what my cousin isn’t saying is your answer will determine if you stay for this discussion.” Takeshi turns to Lakeshia. “None of us will risk your life if you’re carrying our baby.”

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