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“But…how am I the only one who can give you this?” she sputters.

Good question.

I watch Shinji, also curious about his response.

“Because I felt an immediate connection with you from the first time we met. I feel it now. And…” Shinji takes my free hand in his and squeezes it while staring into my eyes. “I want our child to grow up knowing it wasn’t some random stranger who gave us the most precious gift we will ever have.”

She clears her throat. “I can tell this means a lot to you, but like I said before, I don’t want your protection.”

“Then what do you want? The life you’re living isn’t a life. You were running from someone when we met five years ago. And a few weeks ago your business was shot to hell. By the way, you’re welcome. We took care of the three dead bodies you left behind.”

“Another debt you owe us,” I say. “Before you reject our offer again, think aboutmygenerosity thus far. If you can’t give Shinji what he wants, you are of no use to me.”

I’ve hardened my heart against her and my brief escape into fantasyland will not change my mind. I have no need for another person in my life to divide my loyalties.

“So my choice is either agree to have your baby or die?”

Shinji turns angry eyes on me. “That’s not what we agreed.”

“We agreed to convince her it’s in her best interests to be our baby’s mother. If she refuses, the only thing left between us is reprisal for the two concussions she gave you.” I swivel my head to face her. “Now tell us what you want in exchange for giving us a child.”

She eyes the pair of us in the ensuing silence. Neither Shinji nor I move. His hope is on display in his wide-eyed stare. He wants this bad. I want him to have what his heart desires, even if it means going against my instincts.

She nibbles her lips. Watching her biting into the soft flesh is like watching a sledgehammer hitting the wall I’ve built to protect my soft emotions from overruling the ultimatum I laid at her feet.

I will wear ruthlessness like my second skin and be diabolical if it gets Shinji what he wants.

“Revenge,” she says.

Shinji and I look at each other before staring at her for clarity.

“That’s my price. I want revenge.”



If I hadn’t gotten sick almost immediately after landing in Serenidad, Takeshi wouldn’t have found me so soon. Why did I risk coming here?

Because the next flight out of Serenidad was hours later, leaving me vulnerable to the Giamettisandthe Kimuras.

After deplaning, I even bought a ticket to a vowel state, but my stomach rebelled before they began boarding. When it became apparent that no plane would take me in my state, I took the longest, most uncomfortable cab ride riddled with stops for me to puke by the roadside.

Both the cabbie and I were happy not to see each other again when he dropped me off at the hotel. Once inside, I didn’t leave. It became apparent that with things coming out of both ends, I had the stomach flu. Only late yesterday did I feel halfway decent and almost human. Today I was supposed to fly out on the first flight to Iowa.

Now my best-laid plans are in the shitter and I have one angry and one hopeful man making demands as if my sayingyes should be easy like answering the question, coffee or tea when the choice carries more consequences than quenching a momentary thirst.

Agreeing to have a baby threatens my life’s purpose. An experience like that changes a person. Affects their outlook on life. Makes them hope and dream for things they never considered. If I agree to carry their baby, will I be able to pursue my thirst for vengeance? What if giving birth to their child makes me want one of my own?

Worse, what if I end up like my mother? I clear the thought from my head, unable to contemplate that fate right now.

At the moment, my reason for living is to end the Giamettis.

You don’t have to do it alone…And having a longer life expectancy can be a good thing.

I glance at Takeshi and Shinji. Although they have similar coloring, Shinji projects light while Takeshi is brooding darkness. They represent a powerful family with allies equal in power. Their organization is exactly what I need to get what I want.

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