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Once she throws my shirt over her shoulder, she licks her lips and her stare shifts between my face and chest. A battle rages beneath her hungry gaze, but I can’t tell if it is from following my no-touching rule or if there’s another reason for her conflict.

I hold steady, my nipples hardening under her regard as a hush falls over us. Beneath the quiet, lies an unknown danger, but I won’t intervene unless she asks. The reason we’re here is to confront and conquer her demons while I stand by in solidarity.

Finally, her breath shudders, breaking the silence. Her battle is over.

Anticipation tightens every nerve in my body as I await the outcome.

“You’re such a calm and steadfast person.” Her words start in a whisper as she answers my earlier question, but they grow with conviction.

Ah, so her fight wasn’t between her natural inclination to challenge me versus her desire to submit. Rather, her struggle centers on not being triggered. Does this mean the work she’s done on herself is succeeding?

“Nothing seems to shake you, and that’s everything to me. I’ve lived every day never knowing from one day to the next if I’ll need to run for my life, always knowing down to the second how long it will take me to get my go-bag and bounce. But with you, I haven’t thought about running away. No mini strategist is working in the back of my mind telling me what I’ll have to do if shit goes sideways, and I’ve never felt lighter. It’s nice and new. This feeling I get when I’m with you. I don’t want to lose it.”

I bob my head, at a loss for words and humbled by her courage to confront her battles, and that she’s winning. Because her victories are my triumphs, no matter how big or small.

I swallow repeatedly until I can issue my next command. “Remove the rest,” comes out hoarse but I don’t care.

She kneels and my dick hardens further. My chiisai senshi no megami is at my feet and I have to restrain myself from grabbing her head and feeding her my length. Although she follows directions well, she has moments of slight hesitation.

Lakeshia hasn’t completely surrendered to me, but she will.

I land on the bed behind me with a small bounce, bringing me to eye level with her pussy. Nonetheless, I don’t make another move.

Greed fills her eyes as she takes in my nude body. I understand the sentiment. Her thighs are slick from her leaking arousal. Having forced both of us to wait long enough, I spread my legs and grab her hips, bringing her closer to my face.

Lakeshia’s thick thighs guard the treasure I want—no, need—to taste with growing desperation only Lakeshia can inspire.

But demanding she ride my face while I consume every drop of essence from her isn’t why we’re here. At least, not the entire reason.

“What’s your safe word?” I ask, successfully adding a sternness to my tone I doubted I could achieve.

“Tora,” she says with a trembling breath.

“Good.” I lift her leg and place it on the bed beside my thigh.

The action spreads her lower lips and exposes the quivering bud I intend to torture almost to the point of desensitizing her. I meet her hungry stare while I slowly raise my hand and begin petting her pussy.

Lakeshia’s breasts quake and her nipples harden, begging for more of the attention I lavished on her earlier.

“Do you know why I call you chiisai senshi no megami?” I feign mild interest in the question as I gently push two fingers inside her body.

Lakeshia’s walls clutch and pulse around my digits. “No, and I don’t even know what it means.”

“I’ll correct the error now. Before I do, ride my hand.” I circle her clit, loving the small gasping noises escaping her mouth and the way her thighs swivel to take more of me deeper inside. “Do you recall the day you shot me? You stood over me, defiant and brave in the face of my threat. But you were more than that. You were a vision. A goddess, ready to go to war, even if I was your enemy. Even as I bled, angry at you for hurting Shinji, I lay in awe of you, my chiisai senshi no megami, my little warrior goddess.” I press harder on her clit as I finish.

She moans, biting her juicy lips before locking her response behind gritted teeth.

Good. For the rest of the night, I won’t allow her to escape by coming up with responses. There will be no escaping the cocoon we’re in nor the barrage of sensations I’ll lay waste on her body.

I might die in the process, but there is no worthier cause than helping Lakeshia recover an inherent piece of herself she misses.

I pump into her, alternating the speed and power of my thrusts. “When I touch you like this, when I feel your body weeping your desires over my palm, I’m not just finger fucking you and you aren’t just riding my hand. We’re creating memories we’ll want to relive and improve. We’re starting a story with no ending, only new beginnings.”

Her body squelches and her fluids drench me with every image of our future I paint. A future I’m building in my mind for my benefit as much as hers.

Lakeshia reaches out to me but thinks twice and hugs herself. Her eyes are barely visible beneath half-lowered lids, but she hasn’t strayed from looking at me. She follows my directions. Even as her body screams and she’s on the verge of exploding.

Her thighs begin to tremble, and I retract my hand to her cutting short a moan.

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