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The woman is no longer writhing mindlessly in bed. From the movement of the sheets, she is plunging her hand into what I imagine is a wet, hot pussy. The bed linen is now at her waist and her large breasts are on full display. Her other hand abuses her breasts and nipples, pulling and plucking at them.

I lick my lips wishing for a hint of her taste.

Her soft moans become deeper, more gut wrenching. Movement below the sheet picks up speed. Her desire perfumes the air drugging me and pulling me even further beneath her spell.

How is she able to sleep through this?

Her body shudders, and with one last cry, she wakes, panting and moaning after releasing her endorphins. Although I have not come, her release affects me. My desire no longer threatens to boil over. It is at a simmer which allows me to think more clearly, to exert my usual control over my mind and body.

I wait for her to catch her breath, an excuse I use to calm myself, but I doubt she will notice the two men in her bedroom until she does.

Once her breathing evens, I ask, “Do you still like your odds, Fiona? Or should I call you Lakeshia now?”

She lunges for her pillow.

“Looking for these?” I point to the pile of weapons I confiscated while she slept. Shoot me once, shame on me. I won’t give her a second chance. I’ve seen the results of her accuracy when she focuses on her target.

She relaxes and folds her arms over her breasts. “Congratulations. You found me. Now what?”

I quiet the protest at having my view obstructed, then I nudge Shinji. He has the best shot of convincing her since I have reservations about the entire situation.

“We have a proposition for you.” Shinji doesn’t disguise his eagerness as he straightens his back.

“You can hold your breath. I already know. You offered me protection before but I no longer have anything you want so I can’t accept.”

I clench my fists but remain quiet.

“That’s where you’re wrong. You and only you can give me what I want. And you do owe me after inflicting trauma on me, twice.”

She frowns at the accusation. “How is that my fault? You barreled into my life uninvited.”

“Be that as it may, I’ve suffered two concussions at your hand. The least you can do is hear me out.”

Seconds tick by while she measures us. With a sigh, she throws the sheet off her body. “I can’t talk to you while lying in bed.”

She shamelessly walks to her suitcase.

“I checked your suitcase for weapons, too. Even the hidden compartment,” I say.

She extracts a long t-shirt and puts it on while glaring daggers at me. I don’t want to be turned on by her fierceness, but fuck me, I am. Another box on the unbeknownst-to-me checklist of wants my subconscious has kept hidden. I’ve never gone for the damsel in distress. This woman keeps proving Shinji’s point and I don’t like it.

She enters her bathroom. If she expects to find her switchblade or pistol, she’ll meet with disappointment. Running water from the faucet tells me she is washing her hands. My gut clenches with regret at not being the one to clean her essence from her fingers.

“Alright, follow me,” she says as she reenters the room. “No offense, but I prefer inviting people into my bedroom, not waking to find interlopers there.”

“Fair point,” I say as I collect the cache of weapons she had hidden in the hotel.

Shinji and I follow her into the living area of the suite where she sits in a high-backed chair and Shinji and I sit across from her on the sofa. I curl my arm around my husband’s shoulder and study our quarry.

“What is it that only I can give you?”

“A baby,” Shinji replies.

“Ha! You’ve got to be joking.” She burst into a fit of laughter.

Our serious expressions quell another round of amusement, and she straightens in her chair.

“You’re serious?”

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