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“What are we looking at?” I ask Ichiro.

“Satellite image of Tomasso’s Dallas operations. From the constant stream of cars in and out, I’d say this location is compromised and they’re moving product. Look, the trucks leaving ride lower than when they arrive.” Ichiro points to still images to emphasize his point.

This intel can only come from hacking into government satellites. I don’t question how Ichiro acquires his information. He’s our best for a reason.

Lakeshia glares at the screen. I’m sure she’s processing her disappointment. We intended to hit this site first, but someone else beat us to it.

“Do you have any ideas where Tomasso is moving his inventory?” Shinji massages her tense shoulders.

“He might cross the border into Louisiana. He has some connections in New Orleans and could use this opportunity to consolidate.” Her wrinkled brow and fierce study of the map keep me from issuing orders until I have more confidence in her outlook.

“You aren’t convinced?” I ask.

“He could just as easily stop in Houston. It’s a huge market, easy enough to establish a footprint, and he wouldn’t have to change too many of his routes.”

“From our meeting, he didn’t strike me as the kind of guy that likes to tuck tail and run,” Shinji says.

“No, he doesn’t like running but he would put on a show until his trail goes cold. Then he’d strike.” She snaps her fingers and rushes to her computer. “I remember there was a property listed that made little sense when I first discovered it.” She clicks her mouse a few times while silently murmuring to herself. “Here it is. He’s moving to Irving.” She raises her head with a triumphant smile blazing across her lips.

It takes effort to recall what we are discussing and not stare in awe at her radiance. I shake my head to clear it from the distraction of her beautiful face and turn to Ichiro.

“Already on it. I have the name of his capo and can confirm his movements in a day or so.” His fingers fly over the keyboard faster than I can follow.

“This is an unexpected setback, but taking out this base will hurt his wallet and reputation.” Shinji eyes Lakeshia with wariness.

Like me, doubt clouds his eyes at how easily she adapts to the news.

She types something on her computer. “Ichiro, I’m sending you the name of a former employee. Tomasso’s man won’t move anywhere without making accommodations for her. Finding her will be easy.”

Ichiro snaps his fingers. “She’ll lead us to him because she isn’t as cautious.”

“Exactly. She’s careless and not used to looking over her shoulder.”

The night passes as we debate our next moves. By the time we table our conversation, the sun has chased away all traces of the night. I dismiss Ichiro and Shinji, Lakeshia, and I retire, exhausted by the day’s events.

The sun hangs low in the sky when I wake. Its rays filter through the blinds protecting the windows. Lakeshia sprawls over Shinji, her blanket tucked under her chin. He clutches her waist as if even in sleep he can’t bear not touching her. I wait for the twinge of jealousy to bite, but I only experience a sense of rightness.

Damn Shinji for seeing how well she fits us.

I turn her until she rests on her back. In the quiet, I can’t help but admire her cheek’s soft curve and her adorable nose. Maybe I’m infected with the same impulse as Shinji because I feather a caress over her smooth brow. In sleep, she seems to have forgotten her worries and I want to make sure her waking moments are equally stress free.

I brush an innocent kiss on her plump lips. Immediately images of last night flood my mind. Although I intended only reverence with the sweet caress, my body reacts to what could have been last night. What can be now.

A glance at Shinji shows him in the early stage of waking, his body’s subtle shifts and his facial muscles tense and relax. I could wait for him, but another peek at Lakeshia convinces me not to. Shinji will join when he joins.

I lower my lips to her ear and whisper for her ears only, “Lakeshia, it’s time to wake up.”

She groans but her eyelids don’t flicker.

I grit my teeth and remember my patience will be rewarded once she’s awake. A diabolical plan to get what I want while adhering to her needs pops into my head.

I lower the sheet shielding her from my view. Everywhere I rest my gaze is a feast. Her breasts rise and fall in a dance meant to entice. Her soft belly begs for me to grab hold and keep herclose. Then there are her thick thighs, hiding the entrance to her treasure trove. Plans for everything else that doesn’t involve immersing myself in her body fall by the wayside as I begin a visual tour to memorize every contour of Lakeshia’s body.

“Wake up and you can finally have the dick you’ve been craving.” I blow on her nipple until the bud hardens. Then I repeat the action on the other.

Her brow wrinkles and her lashes flutter, but not enough.

“If you open your eyes, the first thing I’ll do is stroke every inch of your body until I can identify you in my sleep. Then I’m going to take my time to taste you.”

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