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They fuckallthe time. And when they aren’t kissing, sucking, and plowing each other, they find every reason under the sun to caress me. Nothing else.

Their version of taking things slow with me is total bullshit. They rev my libido until I want to cry in frustration, then they have the fucking gall to act innocent while driving me wild. Since they no longer have to guard Katsuo and Portia, spending time with them means constant touching. And no stroke is the same.

Kicking them out last week didn’t do shit to cool me off. Although the frequency of their caresses decreased, theirtouches straddle the line of being simultaneously too many and not enough.

They run the gamut from absentminded, playful, casual, sensual to downright foreplay. I wish I could lay the blame at Shinji’s door, but Takeshi is an undercover beast with physical affection. For a man whose words hold the weight of the world, he sure can generate flaming desire with a brush of his hand.

No area of my body is safe. They’re slowly eroding my will to keep my distance. My body is on a constant simmer, waiting in desperation for the next touch to push me over the edge. Lord knows my hands have been doing an inadequate job lately, delivering small O’s that don’t compare to the first night when I took Shinji in my mouth while Takeshi took his ass.

Fuck, how am I supposed to concentrate now?

“I’ll return soon,” I say to Ichiro.

He spares me a skeptical glance but says nothing to put me on blast.

I can’t blame him. Even if I’m not an active participant when I catch Takeshi and Shinji together, I never deny my voyeuristic need to watch them. Something bigger than myself compels me to observe and it isn’t about the sex, although that is on another level.

After my conversation with Kori, I haven’t been able to disconnect my feelings the way I’m used to, and watching them together fills me with bittersweet emotion. There’s no denying I’m on the outside peeking into their beautiful relationship, wishing for a taste. Maybe that’s why I can never look away and leave them in privacy. For those few moments, I can pretend I’m next to them and the reason isn’t because I’m fulfilling my contractual obligations.

With a resigned sigh, I start downstairs, going from room to room. When Tora no senshi becomes my shadow, trailing me as I search, I’m not as bothered as when he would appearas if by magic, stare intently at me, then disappear as if he’d never menaced me from afar. Maybe he is an expert in some psychological warfare that I fell prey to.

But dammit, Shouldn’t he show me some appreciation after taking up residence in the elaborate cat tree I set up in the corner of my command center? As soon as he arrives, he unerringly leaps from branch to branch until reaching the top where he sleeps and monitors my every move during the day. If I didn’t know better, I would accuse Takeshi of using the feline to keep me in line. What’s worse is I can’t seem to stop buying the little terrorist gourmet treats that he gobbles up in one breath while treating me with disdain in the other. I’m not a masochist, but I swear he’s turning me into one.

By the time I get to the room farthest from the command center, I’ve found my quarries. Moaning filters through the door and I crack it to peek inside. All the moisture leaves my mouth to travel to my pussy. I clench my thighs to calm my throbbing clit, but spying Takeshi and Shinji’s naked bodies while wrapped in a heated kiss reawakens my need, driving me to a painful state after a long week of teasing.

“Shinji, your greed will make everyone suspicious,” Takeshi caresses Shinji’s hungry face, lingering on his bruised lips.

“Keishi-kun, I’m only asking for one more.”

From my vantage point, their bodies are in profile, making it impossible for me to see what Shinji does, but Takeshi’s hiss gives me an idea.

“You’re almost ready for another go.” Shinji peppers kisses along Takeshi’s chest, up his neck, and stops behind his ear.

Damn. They are so hot together.

I moisten my dry lips, but I want to lick Takeshi’s savory earthiness. My breasts swell and nipples tingle in anticipation, though only disappointment lies ahead.

Takeshi retreats until the back of his knees connects with a chair. He falls, but not before I glimpse his fully erect dick. I clench my empty pussy as resentment rises inside me. Takeshi and Shinji have dangled their promise to fuck me for too long. I’m so frustrated that the reason I shouldn’t fuck them has become a whimper in the face of my roaring need.

“Is your ass still ready for me?” Takeshi stretches a hand to Shinji who clasps the proffered limb and straddles his husband’s waist.

“Always.” Shinji produces a bottle of lube as if from thin air and presses it into Takeshi’s palm with a grin. “But just in case…”

After a few moments of what I assume is Takeshi reapplying the liquid, he settles himself more deeply into his chair and spreads his legs wide. His dick, hard and dripping pre-cum is on full display. I lick my lips wishing it was him. I have yet to taste him, and my patience is growing thin.

“Put me inside you.”

Shinji spins and I imagine Takeshi stretching his rosette. Shinji moans, “You feel so good, Keishi-kun.”

“Not as good as you.” Takeshi grabs a fistful of Shinji’s wavy hair and pulls his head in for a slow kiss.

From my angle, they aren’t fucking, but making love. Neither separates from their kiss for more than a few seconds before going back for more. Two beautiful men who could put angels to shame. Both examples of hard muscles and soft caresses, dark hair and pale skin, full of dichotomies that ensnare me when I least expect them.

This isn’t the first time I’ve witnessed the intimacy between them, but the ways they express their marital bond twist at my chest every time. They make me yearn for a connection like theirs. Make me want to be a part of the beautiful picture they paint.

For some reason, today, watching them overloads my senses. I’m not equipped to handle the rebellion inside me. I back away, wanting to escape from the scene playing out in the room and the unfamiliar emotions making a home in my chest.

I step back, but my eyes remain glued to the lovemaking that pulls at me. Too late, I recall Toro following me. I can’t move my foot fast enough and I land on the cat’s tail. He lets out an injured shriek and bolts down the hall.

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