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“Obviously, or she wouldn’t have told us to keep our lips to ourselves and find something else to do.”

“But she’s not ready for anything more intense.”

I spin toward the garage. “I agree.”

“And I don’t think I can?—”

“Watch her pass by without touching her?” I reach the side door and turn, pressing my back against the warm metal.

I share my husband’s frustration, however I’m able to manage mine better. Surprising considering Takeshi is the master of his emotions. Although he agrees Lakeshia is ours, could he have other reservations he isn’t sharing?

Takeshi stares at his hands, turning them around and closing them into fists before opening them again. A frown of deep concentration exposes a vulnerability hidden by his usual fierceness.

“I-I think I’m out of my depth.”

“Well, shit.” Blown away by his response, my mind races.

From his thin lips and bristling mustache, he won’t fess up easily.

I text a friend and wait for his response. I don’t have long to wait before I tell Takeshi, “Follow me. I’m going to take you somewhere. And no, I’m not telling you where until we get there, so deal with not knowing.”

My husband glares at me. “You don’t play fair.”

“I never have when it comes to you, and you love me for it.” I open the door and back into the garage.

Unable to argue, he shakes his head and heads toward the driver's side of his favorite F-150 SVT Raptor.

“Not today, Keishi-kun.” I jingle the keys to my favorite ride, my bespoke MSO.

He snatches the keys out of my hands. “Not knowing our destination doesn’t stop me from driving. Consider yourself my personal GPS and direct me to where you want me.”

I scrutinize him, wondering how hard I should push. After admitting he’s out of his depth, driving must be his way to regain his equilibrium. I concede, sliding my fingers across the hood ofmy McLaren, before heading toward the passenger side of the car.

He presses the garage door opener and starts the car. “Do I have to remind you to behave and keep your hands PG?”

I roll my eyes but settle into my seat. “Don’t worry. I’m not so reckless as to cause a crash. And if you recall, on the occasion you’re alluding to, you expertly navigated around the traffic while I had your dick in my mouth.”

“You didn’t see all the near misses because my dick was in your mouth.” He grunts before pulling out.

Win some, lose some.

I direct him to the center of Serenidad’s art district. The closer we approach our destination, the more tension he releases from his shoulders and his thinned lips return to their delicious plushness.

“Seriously?” He arches his brow as he glances at the destination ahead, then at me.

“I thought you needed a reminder.”

Takeshi pulls into the parking lot across from our destination. Colorful murals depicting the historic Californio culture to the modern day mixture of Asian, Black, Hispanic, and European found in modern-day Serenidad guide us toward the studio. He slings his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. Residual tension lives within his muscles, but nothing like how he was when we set off.

I lace our fingers together on the hand dangling from my right shoulder.

“To make things crystal clear for me, what are you reminding me about?”

“All will become clear if you immerse yourself in the experience.” I squeeze his hand as we move forward.

The friend I texted earlier greets us when we enter the building. “I don’t know what lucky star you were born under, but I need you to rub off some of your good fortune on me.”

“If I did, I wouldn’t have gotten my room on short notice. Keep your mediocre luck and leave me and my superior karma alone.”

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